I, Lord Of The Void, Join The Chat Group

Chapter 260 Close Contacts (2/4)

"Where, I heard that the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Thunder have been in close contact recently. This is also thanks to the work of Master Fengying of Sandyin Village, right?"

Namikaze Minato glanced at the Yunyin trio at the edge of the field.

There, Samui and Yuki are discussing something.

"The technique of multiple shadows!

Naruto split up at once~Three shadow clones.

"Sister, is Big Brother Naruto releasing water? Why does he feel so slow in his movements, and the shadow avatars have only been separated - there are three of them."

With a puzzled look on her face, Hua Huo asked the elder sister beside him.

"Zi Yuan is also very powerful.

Hinata defended Naruto a little, and then rubbed the top of her sister's head.

"Have you gone to visit Brother Neji?"

"Well, I went. I didn't expect that Brother Ningci actually learned the eight ways of Dunjia. This is great news for the Rixiang family."5

Although the people of the Zong family are still immersed in the old dream of the first soft boxing, the Eight Doors Dunjia is a low-level physique.

"However, I didn't expect that such a big brother Neji would lose to the ninjas in Sandyin Village. No wonder Big Brother Naruto asked you to abstain from the vote."

Hanabi once again turned her attention to Naruto and Shion in the arena.

That sister Shion is really pretty.

No wonder Big Brother Naruto strikes so lightly.

Naruto in the center of the field is still being chased and beaten by Shion, and the three shadow clones that have just been separated have also been broken up by two.

"Looks like my sister still has to cheer up.

After noticing Shion's appearance, Hana unconsciously complained in a low voice.

"Me? Come on?"

Hinata pointed to his cheek in confusion.

It seems that my sister is not only shy, but also has a low emotional intelligence.

Hana is a little worried about her sister's future.

"Brother Naruto, are you finally using the spiral pill?"

Shion saw that Naruto had used the shadow clone to help the main body accumulate spiral pills.

"Zi Yuan, my spiral pills can be thrown away.

Naruto kindly reminded Shion.

The blue spiral pill in his hand has taken shape.

"Throw it out, how to throw it?"

Shion also accumulated a spiral pill in his hand.

She didn't believe that this ninjutsu could be thrown.

"That's it!

Naruto grabbed his feet with his shadow clone, and then threw his entire body in the direction of Shion along with the snail.

・・・・・Seeking flowers・・・

That's right, this is the correct posture for throwing the spiral pill.


Shion didn't expect that when Naruto said to throw the spiral pill out, it was the kind that he wanted to throw together with people.

Unprepared, she had to reluctantly use the spiral pill in her hand to meet the spiral pill that Naruto flew over.

With a bang, two light blue spiral pills collided.

However, it is obvious that Naruto's balls are slightly larger, and he still has the acceleration of flying over.

After a burst of smoke and dust, the figures of Naruto and Shion gradually emerged from the dust.

Shion fell to the ground with an uncomfortable look on his face, while Naruto was grabbing Shion's wrist and riding on the other side.

"You lose, Shion."

Naruto grabbed Shion's wrist tightly with both hands, and then used his body to press the opponent's thigh.

For a while, Shion couldn't move at all, but there was still a shadow clone of Naruto on the field.

The scale of victory is already on Naruto's side.

"Damn! Big Brother Naruto is too despicable!"

Shi Yuan never thought that he could throw the spiral pill out of the spoon in this way.

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