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Chapter 262 Unable to refute (4/4)

"Shion Bullets!

"Hey Hey hey!"

Seeing that the three Shion were charging a strange punch at the same time, Naruto said that now he might really be unable to withstand it.

"Good job! Shion! Just take down Naruto!

Kushina stood up from her seat again to cheer for Shion.

The witch of the land of ghosts did not express any opinion on this.

Uchiha Mikoto covered her mouth with a light smile.

What Shion does is really Kushina's style.

As expected of the daughter taught by the n01 ninja who was accidental.

"Hmm. 35

First of all, Naruto was hit by a kidney shot from Zi 15 Garden, then on the back, and finally on the top of the head.


Naruto's body fell quickly from mid-air, and then smashed into the ground.

"Oh oh oh!"

As if they had just woken up, the audience, who had fallen silent before, suddenly burst into cheers.

"Are all Konoha ninjas so cruel?"

In the stands, the daimyo of the land of wind asked the daimyo of the land of fire.

"Yes, maybe.

The name of the country of fire wiped the cold sweat from his face.

This female ninja was still kissing one second before, and the performance of beating each other down the next second made several daimyo feel uncomfortable.

"Humph! Looks like I won!"

Shion glanced at Naruto who fell into a pit on the ground, and showed a smug smile.

This trick, as expected by sister Kushina, is quite effective.

"Cough cough. 99

Naruto struggled to get up from the ground.

Fortunately, the body is hard enough, or else I would have been knocked out by Shi Yuan just now.


Seeing Naruto who was still able to stand up from the ground, Shion was already panicking.

Oops, didn't you knock out Naruto brother just now?

Shion couldn't help but took a step back in surprise.

"Sure enough, you still can't win Naruto brother?

"Zi Yuan, you did a good job, I almost fainted just now.

Naruto patted the dust on his body, and then made a mark of a shadow clone.

"I will use an S-rank ninjutsu to defeat you next, be careful, Shion."

"S-class ninjutsu?

Shion took a step back again, she sensed an extraordinary danger from the current Naruto.


When Iruka in the stands saw the weird smile on Naruto's face, his heart tightened.

No way?


There are two shadows here, as well as big names from the five major countries and audiences from other places.

If Naruto really used that ninjutsu on this occasion, the image of Konoha Village would definitely plummet in the ninja world!

Iruka looked worriedly at the Fourth Hokage in the rear stand.

Now only Naruto-sama can stop Naruto's ninjutsu.

"S-class forbidden technique? What is it?"

I love 667 Luo heard the voice from Naruto.

"Humph! Boring ninjutsu. 35

Ye Du closed his eyes speechlessly, he had already expected what kind of ninjutsu Naruto would use.

"Lord Hokage!"

Iruka has already felt in front of the fourth Hokage.

But it was too late.

"Multiple ultra-luxurious reverse harem techniques!"

Naruto has completely released this ninjutsu that he has been practicing for a long time.

Bang bang bang!

After a puff of white smoke, Naruto's shadow avatar has turned into a variety of handsome handsome guys, and it is still a harmonious version.

"Is this the son of Hokage-sama? It's funny enough.

Namikaze Minato couldn't refute it.

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