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Chapter 264 Quite Optimistic (2/4)

"All right."

Yumu did not refute Samui's opinion.

After the people from Shayin Village left early, the people from Yunyin Village also left early.

Xiao Li, like Zhi Nai, was inexplicably notified that he could enter the next round.

"Great! Li, in the next round, the chances of you becoming a Chunin will be even greater!" Compared with the depressed Xiao Li, Tian Tian is quite optimistic.

"and many more!"

Just as Ye Du and Tazo entered the arena, Tsunade suddenly walked to Minato Namikaze.

"Fourth generation, I suggest that the current Chunin exam be terminated immediately, that Duozang is actually...""

However, before Tsunade could finish speaking, Tazo on the field untied the bandage on his face.

"Hai Xu You Shen Wei, the art of psychic communication!

With a bang, a huge sansho fish appeared in the chunin exam site.

At 670, Duozang stepped on the head of the psychic beast, and his face also appeared under the bandage.

"He's Sanshoyu Hanzo!

"It's really you."

After seeing the face under the bandage, and this iconic psychic beast.

Ye Du's face was slightly surprised, but he returned to calm immediately.

This is what he and Naruto have already guessed.

"Ninja Poison Mist Jet!"

Sanzhaoyu Hanzo didn't seem to have his own consciousness. He clasped his hands together stiffly, urging his psychic creature, and a huge sanshoyu sprayed poison on all the bfeh people present.

"Be careful!"

Naruto hurriedly jumped up from the exam venue with Shion in his arms.

It seems that Orochimaru has already figured out how to create a riot.

"The Art of Flying Thunder God!"

Naruto directly transferred Shion to his home.

"Zi Yuan, stay at home, I'll be back when I go! 35

Before Shion could speak again, Naruto disappeared into the room.

"Hey! Naruto brother."

Shion was a little worried and wanted to stop Naruto, but Naruto had already returned to the chunin exam venue at this time.

"Don't worry everyone, just exit from here! 35

The chunin examiners in charge of maintaining the order used the wind to stop the poisonous gas attack of Sanshoyu Hanzo, and at the same time asked the audience in the auditorium to leave the stage as soon as possible.

"what happened?"

When Kushina woke up, she saw panicked pedestrians everywhere, and a huge cloud of smoke not far away.

"Come on, Kushina, there seems to be something wrong here!"

Uchiha Mikoto's face was also full of anxiety.

But she was more worried about her son.

Uchiha Ye Du is still on the field.

"It's really been a disaster."

Naruto, holding Hinata in one hand and Hana in the other, appeared in front of Kushina and the others, with Ino and Sakura behind him.

"Naruto, what should we do now?

Ino looked worriedly at the poisonous smoke that was still spreading in the field.

Some people have been poisoned and collapsed in the stands that are a little closer in front.

Neither civilians nor ninjas could support their bodies in the poisonous mist.

"It's okay, Ye Du will deal with him, but these poisonous smoke.

Naruto could only try it with his own magic.

"I'm going to solve this poisonous smoke, you have to be careful of ninjas who may hide in the crowd.

Naruto gave Hinata and Hana to his mother, and then instantly entered the fairy mode.

"Immortal wind escape great breakthrough!"

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