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Chapter 266 is particularly conspicuous (4/4)

The fourth Hokage wave Feng Minato said righteously.

"Sure enough, it's you, Orochimaru!"

Tsunade looked angrily at the ninja in front of him who had ruined the entire Chunin exam.

"Using this ninjutsu to fool the dead, you will be punished!

After learning that the Kazekage in front of him was summoned by Orochimaru, Tsunade punched it directly.


The stands, which had long been suffocated by the erosion of gold dust, have now completely turned into pieces of "six or seven zeros".

"Oh, it's not good that Princess Tsunade is still so impatient.

"Luo Sha" easily escaped Tsunade's strange force fist.

"Do you want me to let you and that Kato Dan meet again?"

"What did you say?"

Tsunade punched again in the direction of "Luo Sha".

"Don't you want to see him again? Or can I "resurrect" the rope tree and let you two talk?

"Luo Sha" began to form the seal of the psychic technique.

"Spiritual art!


Hearing the names of the people he cherishes the most, Tsunade froze in a daze.

Looking at the coffin slowly emerging from the soil, Tsunade's face was already hesitant.

"Be careful!"

Looking at Tsunade who was suddenly stunned, Minato Namikaze hurriedly came to Tsunade's side with the Shunshu technique, and then took the other party to a safe place with the Flying Thunder God technique.

Afterwards, the place where Tsunade stood before was blown to pieces by the detonating talisman.


The blasting sound of the blaster continued.

"Thank you. 35

Tsunade looked at the ground that had been blown to pieces, with some lingering fears.

"That's the Shinobi Mutual Detonator Talisman. 99

Gradually, after the explosion, a figure slowly emerged, and his body had lost the upper half of his body due to the explosion just now.

However, his body recovered quickly, and it didn't take long for him to return to his original state.

"Grandpa Tobirama?"

No one could have imagined that the person Orochimaru summoned was neither Kato Duan nor Roshu.

It's Konoha's second Hokage, Senju Tobirama!


It was only at this time that Qianshou Tobirama slowly regained his consciousness.

"And who is using my ninjutsu indiscriminately?"

He looked up and looked around.

After the smoke and dust passed, the Fire Shadow Rock Wall in the distance was particularly conspicuous.

"Is this Konoha?"

"Second Hokage?"

Namikaze Minato, who was about to fight against Luosha, was also stunned. Can Orochimaru still summon such a powerful person?

"It's a pity, the old man of the third generation is still not dead, otherwise I can make him also become a reincarnation of filth...

"Luo Sha"'s face was full of pity.

"Three generations? You mean Monkey is very old?"

Qianshou Tobirama folded his arms and looked at Luosha, who was also in a state of reincarnation in the dirt in front of him.

"Yes, Second Hokage-sama, it has been more than forty years since your death.

"Really? Then there should be four generations of Hokage now, right?"

Senju Tobirama noticed Namikaze Minato next to his granddaughter.

Well, not from the Uchiha clan, it seems that Konoha Village is not bad now.

"4.7 Yes, I am now the fourth Hokage.

Namikaze Minato pointed to the four characters of Hokage four generations behind his cloak.

"Oh! It seems that Monkey and you have managed Konoha Village very well. 35

Not caring about the small troubles nearby, Qianshou Tobirama used chakra to investigate the current situation of Konoha Village.

It's really good, much more prosperous than when he was Hokage.

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