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Chapter 269 A Very Simple Way (3/4)


Kushina didn't expect Naruto to be able to do this with the Nine Tails.

Is this the perfect man's power?

"Don't resist, I'll take you out of here right away.

After Naruto made sure to grab everyone in front of him with his chakra coat, he used the Flying Thunder God technique.

"it is good."

In just a split second, everyone was transferred to the streets of Konoha Village by Naruto's technique of flying thunder gods. Although the Chunin Exam was very chaotic, the people on the streets were still living leisurely as before.

"Mom, the task of getting the people in the village to evacuate in time will be handed over to you, and the battle over there may spread to here later.

Naruto glanced solemnly at the direction of the Chunin Exam.

Although I have already guessed that Orochimaru will use the reincarnation of dirty earth to summon some powerful characters.

But he didn't expect that 670 Orochimaru could perfectly summon the second Hokage so early.

This Orochimaru seems to have strengthened a lot for some reason.

"Hmm! Naruto too, right?"

Kushina wanted to keep Naruto by her side.

"No, I have to deal with the man behind the scenes."

Before leaving, Naruto glanced at the women beside him.

Hinata seems to have woken up.

"I'll be back soon!

Naruto's figure disappeared again.

"Lord Hokage!"

"Uchiha Shisui" with a mask appeared in front of Namikaze Minato.

Although he had expected everything that happened now, he was still a little nervous after seeing the figure of the second Hokage also appear.

"Shishui, you and Tsunade-sama are going to deal with Luosha over there, and I'll deal with the second Hokage-sama!" Minato Naikaze threw a lot of flying thunder god kunai towards the ground as he spoke.


"Uchiha Shisui" nodded.

Tsunade also did not refute the arrangement of the fourth Hokage, because the current situation has been extremely bad.

"Be careful, the fourth (bfeh) Hokage!

Similarly, Senju Tobirama also threw a lot of flying thunder god Kunai in the direction of the fourth Hokage.

"Flying Thunder God Slash!"

When Kunai came to Namikaze Minato, Senju Tobirama quickly moved to the front of the opponent and completed a quick slash with the Kunai in his hand.

"Beautiful hiding!"

Seeing that Namikaze Minato had already moved to the other side, Senju Tobirama couldn't help but praise her.

"Second-generation adults, you have to be careful, because next I will beat you with my spiral flash super round dance roar three!

Minato Namikaze threw a flash bomb on the spot, and then the figure immediately disappeared in a burst of yellow flashes.


After Chishou Tobirama heard this inexplicable move with a stinky and long name, his face gradually stiffened.

This generation of Hokage seems to have a brain problem?

However, it disappeared.

Senju Tobirama did not see the figure of Namikaze Minato after the flashbang.

on the left.



Qianshou Tobirama was just about to seal the seal, but the figure of Minato Namikaze had suddenly emerged from the ground.

"Spiral Pills!

Namikaze Minato's spiral pill smashed hard on Senju Tobirama's face.

With a loud bang, Senju Tobirama's body flew upside down.


Without waiting for Senju Tobirama's body to reorganize, Namikaze Minato had once again used Flying Thunder God to come in front of him, and his palm had already covered the opponent's chest.

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