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Chapter 273 Next Steps (3/4)

Seeing Genma Shiranui who took off the mask in front of him, Orochimaru knew that his plan to attack Konoha this time should be a complete failure.

"Don't try to escape!""

Seeing that "Luo Sha" in front of him was about to perform the escape technique, Tsunade hurriedly broke the other side's seal.

"Hmph, Orochimaru, it seems that your plan has long been seen through by the fourth Hokage.

"Luo Sha" ignored Tsunade's sarcasm, or he had no time to pay attention.

"Escape the water and break the waves!"

Several strong water jets have already rushed towards Luo Sha's body.

"Magnetic Escape Sands Waves!


Collision between sand and water.

However, obviously due to the restraint of attributes, the sand immediately fell to the disadvantage.


Orochimaru, who was remotely controlling Luo Sha, was really anxious now.

At the same time, he had already lost Sanshoyu Hanzo and Senju Tobirama, and now Luosha is also under siege.

The corpses of three powerful ninjas are about to be lost at one time, and Orochimaru is very anxious now.

"What happened to Orochimaru-sama~"?"

The pharmacist next to him saw that Orochimaru's face was full of sweat and anger.


Orochimaru originally thought that this attack would be very successful, but now, the truth slapped him hard.

"Didn't you say that you have already let Shayin Village and Yunyin Village jointly attack Konoha? 99

Orochimaru roared angrily.

He hadn't seen any ninjas from other Ninja villages breaking through the defense line of Konoha Village until now.

"This..." 9

Yao Shidou was also puzzled, and it was clear that the information showed that the troops of Shayin Village and Yunyin Village had already arrived at the border of Konoha Village.

But why is no one doing it?

"Three generations of adults, Lord Jiraiya, people from Shayin Village ask to see you!

Just when Jiraiya and Sandai Hokage were worried about the two armies in front of them, they suddenly got news from Sandyin Village.

"People from Shayin Village, what are you doing at this time?"

The faces of the three generations of Hokage were full of alertness, but Jiraiya immediately understood that their turn had come.

"Quick, let them in!

It didn't take long for Sandyin's Makey and Gaara's group to come to Jiraiya.

Shaodong from Shayin Village seemed to stop immediately, but the people of Yunyin Village couldn't sit still.

"Samui, can't you do it yet?"

Yugi can't wait to start attacking the people of Konoha Village.

"The movements of the people in Shayin Village are unknown. If they defect, we will lose! 55 The messengers sent by Samui to Shayin have not yet responded to the news.

And the other side's army remained motionless.

"." But Raikage-sama's order. "

"Let's try it out first."

Raikage-sama's order was to launch an attack immediately, but Kirabi and Samui both felt that the current situation was not right, and they didn't have time to do anything.

Samui didn't expect Kirabi to decide to do it first.

"It's okay, I will try my best to let the attack fall on the periphery of Mu (Wang Zhaozhao) Ye Village, as long as I don't hurt anyone, there is room for manoeuvre.

Kirabi immediately used the tail beast mode.

"Roar! 95

After transforming into eight tails, Kirabi directly stored a black tailed beast jade in his mouth.

"Fourth Hokage, you're helping me get out of control, I'm afraid it's not just to deal with this sandyin?"

Looking at Luo Sha, who gradually lost his ability to resist under the siege of the crowd, Senju Tobirama noticed that the fourth Hokage might have the next move.

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