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Chapter 281 Willing Action (3/4)


The rapidly spinning spiral shuriken instantly shattered the stone wall in front of him.

Everyone also took the opportunity to jump out from the open stone crack.


"Ninja Psychic, Mie Rashomon!""

With a bang, Naruto's spiral shuriken collided with the three wooden doors that suddenly rose from the ground. When it reached the last Rashomon gate, Naruto's spiral shuriken finally stopped, and then turned into a A "683" regiment violently cut the storm.

The Mie Rashomon was all chopped up and flying in the air.

"Sure enough, it's the first Hokage. 35

After the smoke cleared, Ye Du passed through the wall to the other exit of the cave. While subconsciously covering the bright sunlight with his hands, he looked at the two people standing opposite.

Between the pharmacist pocket and the thousand-hand pillar.

Or they should be three talents.

Because of the first Hokage who was reincarnated from the dirt in front of him, there were actually two heads on the neck of Chishou Hasuma. In addition to his face, there was also the face of Orochimaru.

"What the hell is going on here? Orochimaru?"

Although Uchiha Ye Du doesn't know what Orochimaru is a forbidden technique, it is obvious that most of their enemies are going to become Senju Hashirama, who was summoned by the reincarnation of the dirt.

"Ye Du, you are here at the right time!

Orochimaru stuck out his long tongue and licked his cheek with a rather strange expression.

Next to his head, there was no change in the expression on Senju Hakuma's face.

"This is the reincarnation of the filthy earth after I transformed it with a secret technique, are you afraid? Ye Du?

Orochimaru stretched out his long tongue while speaking in an excited and weird tone.

"This is also the only secret technique at present that can not only retain the fighting consciousness of the dead, but also allow him to act according to the wishes of the caster!"

In this state, Orochimaru seemed to be able to completely control the Senju Hashirama, who was summoned by him with Reincarnation of Beetle.

"Scared? I can't think of any other words to describe you except disgusting, Orochimaru!" Uchiha Ye Du glanced at the "weird person" in front of him with disdain.

This is a two-headed monster made from the body of Senju Hasuma.

Orochimaru is still the same as before, the taste is so bad that it makes people feel sick.

However, although Ye Du has a look of disgust on his face, his writing wheel has unknowingly brought Sangou jade...

The opponent's chakra is really creepy.

"Oh? But the second-generation adults behind you don't seem to think so.


"Thousand-handed pillars" folded his hands together, and then suddenly a tall giant tree stretched out from under his feet, supporting his body and soaring toward the sky.


The two-headed monster composed of Senju Hasuma and Orochimaru looked down at Naruto and his party below with a cold expression.

"Is the Nine-Tails person Zhuli? The four generations of Hokage are really deep, and the wind escape just now.

Orochimaru did not expect that besides Uchiha Ye Du, Konoha has another talented boy.

"Even if the three of them are combined, they will not be able to play any role in 4.7!

Senju Tobirama intends to use his body to stop the two-headed monster in front of him.

To deal with this monster in front of him, I am afraid that the entire ninja world needs to be united.

This is the first generation of Hokage, known as the strength of the god of the ninja world.


Uchiha Ye Du's writing wheel has opened a kaleidoscope form.

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