I, Lord Of The Void, Join The Chat Group

Chapter 300 Collection (2/4)

Uchiha Itachi watched Kakashi's figure, and after disappearing on the wall, he turned his attention to Naruto and Ye Du and others.

"That's it, take a day off today, and gather here tomorrow morning."

Uchiha Itachi also disappeared above the wall.


Ye Du didn't expect that the final result today would develop into a situation where everyone goes to the hot spring together.

Anyway, let’s take today as a relaxation before practice.

Ye Du took the coupon in his hand and followed behind Sakura- and Naruto.

On the hot spring coupon, it also shows that you can eat a barbecue for free.

The witches in the land of ghosts are really rich.

The group came to the restaurant of the hot spring hotel.

Sure enough, everyone else has already started to eat barbecue.

"Naruto, Ye Du, Sakura, this way, this way!

Seeing the arrival of the seventh class, Ino waved to them quickly.

"Zi Yuan, congratulations!"

Naruto consciously sat beside Shion and Hinata.

"Hmph! Big brother Naruto, you will call me Shion-sama in the future! I am now a chunin! 55

According to the regulations, Genin should use the honorary title when facing Chunin.

"Okay, Lord Ziyuan, I understand now.

Naruto grabbed the freshly roasted piece of meat in the Shion bowl with chopsticks, and put it in his mouth.

"Brother Naruto!"

Shion angrily stepped on Naruto's instep.

"Naruto, this is for you.

Hinata, who was beside him, put his freshly roasted piece of meat into Naruto's bowl with a blushing face.

"Thank you, Hinata!"

As expected of Hinata, the roasted meat is about five times better than Shion's roasted meat.

"However, Hinata, it seems that you haven't eaten all the time, aren't you hungry?

Ino, who was on the side, noticed that Hinata had not touched the chopsticks since the beginning, except for the one that Naruto baked just now.

"Well, I'm not hungry." Hinata nodded shyly.

She didn't want to show her side of the big stomach king in front of everyone.

"Boss! Another twenty, no, two hundred beef!

Dingji ate almost everyone by himself.

After hearing Choji shouting like this again and again, lively laughter broke out from the entire hot spring hotel.

After eating the barbecue, the crowd was divided into two groups of men and women, and walked into the bathhouse of the hot spring. The open-air hot spring with a large area is divided into two parts by a thick bamboo wall. Half are male baths and half are female baths.


"Hey, Neji, can you see the situation on the other side with your white eyes?"

Naruto was looking for a gap in the bamboo wall, and he looked like Jiraiya.

"What nonsense are you talking about! How can I use my white eyes to do such a thing!" Hyuga Neji gave Naruto a disdainful look at Naruto, who was shaking his bare bottom in front of him.


"Also, the white eyes can only see the meridian bones of the human body, as well as the flow of chakra, just... um! 39

Neji quickly covered his mouth, he seemed to say a little too much.

"Hooho, it seems that you have already tried it... and pretended to be so serious.

Naruto gave the other a contemptuous look back.


Uchiha Ye Du rolled his eyes, then soaked in the hot spring silently, he had no interest in peeking at the women's bathhouse.

"Naruto, if you really want to see the other side, I have a solution." Just as Naruto and Neji were pinching each other, Shikamaru suddenly said something lightly.

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