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Chapter 318: Information Succeeded (4/4)

"What's the task today?"

Ye Du quickly came to Sasuke and Sakura's side.

"Today is an S-class mission.

Sakura pointed to Uchiha Itachi who was leaning against the tree and closed her eyes. Her face was a little excited, but also a little weak, or inferior.

S-level mission, she can't help.

"The task that Mr. Itachi personally asked Hokage-sama to do."

"S-class mission?"

Ye Du glanced at Sasuke somewhat unexpectedly.

But the face of the other party did not change in any way.

It seems that Sasuke did not expect this S-level mission.

"Obito, the ghost shark and the scorpion have arrived.

Outside Yuyin Village, a Bai Jue suddenly emerged from the ground beneath Obito's feet.

As soon as he finished speaking, Obito saw two figures walking not far away.

Dried persimmon ghost shark and red sand scorpion.

"Have you obtained the information on the whereabouts of Mitsuo?"

After the coup d'etat in Kiriyin Village, the four generations of Mizukage and the three tails in his body disappeared. Obito knew that this was the most easily obtained tailed beast, so he had to find the whereabouts of this tailed beast as soon as possible.

The ghost shark threw the scroll in his hand to Obito, and Sanwei fled from the village of fog, and is now hiding at the bottom of a lake.

Obito glanced at the scroll slightly, then put it into his arms. When he gets the eye of reincarnation, he will go to control it in his own hands.

Now Obito turned his attention to Yuyin Village not far away.

"Very good, we will sneak into Yuyin Village tomorrow to see if the Akatsuki organization is really as powerful as rumored outside."

"Are you going to declare war with the Xiao organization as soon as it is established? I probably understand why you named the organization dark.

Scorpion also glanced at Yuyin Village not far away.

The white cloaks on everyone's body are making a grinning sound in the wind.

"Is this the S-class mission this time?"

Sasuke didn't expect them to come to Konoha's cell.

"Well, the mission this time is to monitor Orochimaru to clean up his experimental base.

With a click, Uchiha Itachi opened the heavy cell, and then led the crowd to the front of Orochimaru.

"Are you finally freeing me?"

Orochimaru, who was chained to the chair, slowly opened his eyelids.

Uchiha Itachi?’

After seeing that the person in front of him was Itachi Uchiha, he couldn't help sticking out his long tongue and licking it a few times in the air.


After seeing Orochimaru's tongue like a hanged ghost, he hid behind Sasuke with some fear.

'." Oh! And Sasuke also came, Orochimaru's tongue sticking out longer. 99

"Shut up, Orochimaru!"

Uchiha Sasuke is still that cool look.

"Cleaning up Orochimaru's base? Isn't this kind of thing okay with you?" Ye Du asked in a low voice beside Sasuke.

"No, I think what Konoha Village wants is Orochimaru's research materials."

Although Sasuke knows almost every stronghold of Orochimaru, he only knows who is under Orochimaru.

"You're here too (Zhao's).

After seeing Ye Du's figure, the excited expression on Orochimaru's face sank again.

"Let's go, I told you about the mission last night, Orochimaru."

Uchiha Itachi untied the ropes on Orochimaru with a blank expression.

"Mission... what a nostalgic word."

Orochimaru, who has regained his freedom, has not been sentenced for any irregular behavior.

He has been influenced by the other gods of Shishui, and he has become a ninja who only wants to protect Konoha.

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