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Chapter 322 The Age of Peace (4/4)

"I just don't know how much real strength there is."

Madara Uchiha launched the attack first.

The two Susa, one blue and one purple, collided with each other.

The four long swords on Susanoo also heard the sound of gold and iron hitting each other.

The powerful shock wave made everyone who was just watching the battle felt the pressure like a tsunami.

"Let's get out of here first."

Yu Bo Rong hurriedly led Xiao to the hillside in the distance. The two larger ones were joined together.

It seems that the competition between the two is not skill, but physical strength.

After this collision, Sasuke's Sunohu has gradually decreased, and a lot of purple qi has been revealed. However, his physical skills and sword 15 skills are first-class, but in the face of more experienced Uchiha Madara, he is still poor. a lot.

"The Uchihas who came out of the peaceful era are only at this level. 35

Looking at Susanoo who had a hole in the other side, Madara Uchiha just chuckled softly. Although the other side opened a kaleidoscope at a young age, it was indeed quite powerful, but it was only to this extent.

"peaceful years?

Sasuke's face became abnormally cold immediately after hearing the word peace.

"Because of you and Obito, these two idiots, I never thought that the world I live in is a peaceful world."

Sasuke didn't care that Susanoo was pierced by the opponent's long sword, but started to attack even more frantically.

"Is that so, are Uchiha's people still following me? However, it is understandable, because you are all poor people living in false peace."

Madara Uchiha was not angry with Sasuke.

Because what he was going to do was originally what these "ordinary people" could understand.

"What you're after is the real falsehood, Madara!

With a ding sound, the two giant Susanoos crossed each other again with their long swords.

After the huge collision sound, the two Susanoos were stabbed in the opposite direction by each other's long swords.


Uchiha Itachi wanted to go to support immediately, but soon, his frowning brows relaxed. Susanoo on Sasuke's body grasped the opponent's long sword with his hand, and Susan of Madara Uchiha did the same. The Susa of the two were under each other's sharp blades and began to slowly dissipate.

However, obviously Uchiha Madara's Susanoo is more vulnerable.


At some point, Madara Uchiha's Susanoo was suffocated with black flames.

The source of the black flame is Uchiha Sasuke's Susanoo.

"Even Susanoo formed by chakra can burn. Is it the legendary Amaterasu fire? The Susanoo on Madara Uchiha can no longer stop Sasuke's long sword."

"Disappear! Madara!"

Sasuke took 723 with the long sword of black flame, broke through Uchiha Madara's defense in an instant, and came to the bottom of his body.

"Fire escape, the art of hiding dust!"

Was the flaw just now actually brought out by the other party? It seemed that he had underestimated this Yubo junior.

When he came down with Amaterasu's Susano sword, Uchiha Madara hurriedly blocked the sword with a blinking technique, and then in order to block the opponent's incoming attack, he moved towards Sasuke Dadui in front of him. The soot from the explosion was blocked.


But this fire escape obviously can't hurt Sasuke, who still has a complete body.

The smoke and dust of the explosion dissipated, and Sasuke's Susanoo, which was full of holes, was almost completely dissipated.

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