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Chapter 327 Deep Reasons (1/4)

Deidara was riding a clay bird to the top of the crowd.

"How on earth do you say peace is achieved? 35

Nagato continued to ask.

"The Nagato.

Konan and Yahiko both looked at Nagato with worried expressions, they would never watch Nagato give up the Samsara Eye no matter what.

"It's okay, if he can really give me a reason to convince me, it's not a pity to give up these reincarnation eyes."

Nagato has always kept doubts about his own eyes of reincarnation.

"That's not why it can be said here.

15 Obito glanced at his companions behind him, and then glanced at the members of the Akatsuki organization opposite him.

"Come with me and I can tell you the truth!"

Obito jumped to the tree and waited for Nagato's reply.

"Nagato, he must have no good intentions, don't go there! 35

Yahiko quickly stopped in front of Nagato.

But Nagato still wanted to find out.

Because he knew very well that the Uchiha Obito in front of him was definitely not someone who was addicted to power.

There must be a deeper reason for the other party to want the reincarnation eye.

"I can come with you, but your men must leave first.

Nagato glanced at the members of the dark organization who were about to move.

He was worried that if he left, these grotesque guys would attack his companions.

"Did I tell them to retreat before I got the Eye of Samsara, but." Obito also waved at his own men.

"Before I come back, don't attack the people of Xiao's organization!


Deidara glanced at Obito with some dissatisfaction.

Hidean was also not satisfied with the order given by Obito.

They have been in ambush in Yuyin Village for so long, and then they can't do it after the action?

What's the point of this?

"Just stay here and wait for me to come back!"

Obito turned his attention to Nagato again.

After warning his companions, Obito kindly released the members of the Akatsuki organization who had just been sucked into the Kamui space.

"is this OK?"

Nagato didn't expect Obito to have this kind of consciousness.

The other party really is a person who truly loves peace.

"With me... 0

Nagato recalled all the bad things he had done in his heart.

Compared with Obito, Nagato only felt that he was dirty and despicable.

"it is good.

Nagato is very confident in his own real door, he is not afraid of one-on-one with Obito, he is only afraid of Obito attacking his companions.

"The Nagato!

Yahiko still held Nagato's clothes.

Obviously he didn't believe Obito could say anything good.

"Have you forgotten about Sansho Hanzo?"

In order to convince his friends, Yahiko moved out of the incident that 723, the former Danzo, had harassed him more than ten years ago.

"That's right, Nagato, I've already asked Konoha for help, as long as we hold on, these people from the secret organization will definitely retreat!

Xiao Nan also discouraged it.

"Don't worry, even if he does something to me, I can come back safe and sound.

Nagato had grown up from that incident long ago.

He has been able to fully exert the strength of these reincarnation eyes.

"Let's go!

Obito didn't say anything more, he had already gone far into the depths of the forest.


In the end, Yahiko and Konan failed to persuade Nagato, and could only watch the other side follow Obito away.

"The Nagato.

Xiao Nan looked worriedly at the paper flower in his hand.

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