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Chapter 340 Unbearable (2/4)


After seeing Yahiko falling to the ground, Xiao Nan came over.

"Paper Dance・Paper Rain!

Countless paper flying knives flew towards Madara Uchiha~'s body.

"Paper escape, it's a very interesting chakra-attribute."

Madara Uchiha smiled slightly, and then gathered all the chakras on his mouth.

"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!

Madara Uchiha's fire instantly wiped out the white paper in front of him, and then engulfed Xiaonan behind the white paper without a fuss.


After the smoke from the fire swept through, Xiao Nan's charred body fell heavily from the air and fell to the ground.

"Xiao Nan!"

Both Yahiko and Nagato shouted at Konan, who didn't know whether to live or die.

"Although your Paper Dun looks very sharp, but in front of my Fire Dun, your Paper Dun is like a soft scrap of paper!

Without mocking Konan, Madara Uchiha continued to control Nagato's body and walked towards Obito.


Do you really want Madara Uchiha to be resurrected so easily?

Obito's heart was full of unwillingness, and he struggled to resist the spell in his heart.

But that was just a futile struggle.

This struggle was of no use except to make him spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.

Obito looked back at his ghost shark and scorpion.

No, they can't fight Bo Ban either.

Obito could only helplessly watch Madara Uchiha's body getting closer to himself.

"Obito, I'm curious, what made you abandon our plan?"

Madara Uchiha has already reached into Obito's arms and groped for the small bottle with the Samsara eye.

However, before everything was over, he also wanted to know the reason for Obito's sudden betrayal.

"How can something like that really tempt me?

Obito has figured out everything in the past ten years.

Instead of working hard for the fake world, it is better to embrace the real world.

Even though the real world may never wait for the day of peace, as long as there is hope.

He believed that that day would come.

Just like Nagato and Yahiko of Akatsuki's organization.

He also believes that such a peaceful world will eventually come to the real world.

"Uchiha Madara, your plan and your thoughts are undoubtedly wrong!" Uchiha Obito shouted loudly.

·Seeking flowers»


After listening to Obito's reason, Madara Uchiha couldn't help laughing.

"Obito, you actually changed back to the innocent you before, no wonder."

Madara Uchiha's face, which had been laughing a while ago, suddenly turned gloomy.

"No wonder you betray me!

Soon, Madara Uchiha took out a small bottle with reincarnation eyes from Obito's arms.


Now just let Nagato re-install these two eyes, and then control him to use reincarnation to resurrect himself, Uchiha Madara feels that the overall situation is settled.

When he has a real body, he can go back and find the little devil with the eyes of reincarnation, and he will be ashamed!

His Uchiha Madara's strength is not that simple!

"Ghost shark, Obito seems to be in trouble, what should we do now?"

It was the first time Scorpio saw a person as imposing as Madara Uchiha.

Just feeling the coercion of the opponent's Chakra, he couldn't stand it.

The strength of this Uchiha Madara is probably extremely terrifying.

"What can I do, Obito and Uchiha Madara have a cooperative relationship from the beginning, and now their cooperation has broken down, what can we two outsiders do?" Spoon.

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