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Chapter 357 The Greatest Threat (3/4)

Ye Du was a little worried that Madara Uchiha would bypass the nine tails in his body and forcibly use the other eight tailed beasts, plus the two gold and silver brothers from Yunyin Village to summon ten tails.

"Then shall we go first?"

Sasuke always felt that the tail beast was the biggest threat to peace.

"We don't need to be in such a hurry, I have already left the Flying Thunder God's technique on one tail, two tails, and eight tails, and as long as they are in danger, I will be there as soon as possible.

This was also a back-up move that Ye Du had prepared in advance.

Shayin Village and Yunyin Village don't need to worry about it for the time being, just worry about Wuyin Village and Yanyin Village.

I don't know if Sanwei is still in that lake now, so I have to hurry up and hide Sanwei.

After saying goodbye to Sasuke, Ye Du was going to go to Sanwei to see the situation.

"Brother Ye Du, has a special mission. 99

Just when Ye Du was thinking about going to see Sanwei, Shion suddenly ran in front of him.

"Special mission?

Ye Du glanced at Shion in surprise.

"Well, in short, hurry up and go to Hokage!"

After Ziyuan finished speaking, she walked away from the place, and it seemed that she had to contact other people.

"What is the special mission?"

Ye Du smelled an unusual smell.

Naruto Office.

Ye Du saw many acquaintances here.

Shion, Hinata, Ino.

"Just now, our allied country, Kirigakura Village, sent a call for help. Madara Uchiha attacked their village last night, and also stole their six-tailed man, Rikutaka. Our Konoha, as Kirigakin's ally, It is necessary to send a team to support Kirigakushi. Remember, this support mission is mainly to protect Kiriyin Village, and not to compete with Uchiha Madara.

Namikaze Minato didn't know that Madara Uchiha had lost to Ye Du and Sasuke.

So, when announcing this mission, the look on his face was very serious.

There is a shortage of manpower in the village now, and this task can only be accomplished by Chunin and Shimonin.

"Remember to be careful, and if you encounter troubles that cannot be solved, you can choose to retreat at any time.

After Namikaze Minato finished his mission, he took out a Toei Raijin Kunai from his pocket.

"Shion, if you encounter Madara Uchiha, use this Kunai immediately, and I will come to you as quickly as possible!

It seems that the current manpower in the village is indeed quite short.

Even Hokage-sama must be ready to be dispatched at any time.


Shion accepted the Kunai of Minato Namikaze, and as the only Chunin present, she naturally became the captain of the mission team.

In front of the gate of Konoha Village.

"I didn't expect that we would be organized into a team. Years

Ye Du glanced at Hinata, Ino, and Shion who was in the lead.

Hinata is in charge of the investigation, Ino is in charge of intelligence collection, and Shion is barely a medical ninja.

Although it seems that it is indeed the normal configuration of the team, but my father will not deliberately arrange it this way?

"What's wrong?"

It was the first time I received an S-level mission, and Ino was a little nervous.

But after seeing that Ye Du was also together, her heart suddenly felt a lot more at ease.

Although the other party always looks at her, it just makes her a little shy.

"Why do you keep staring at me?"

"It's nothing, I just think you've grown a little taller?"

Ye Du compared his height with that of Ino, and the girl seemed to have surpassed him.

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