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Chapter 361 Apprenticeship (3/4)

It's true, sister Hinata is also, every time she reports the situation, she also reports to brother Ye Du first.

She's a captain who doesn't want to be ashamed.

"Sorry, Shion."

Ye Du had no choice but to appease Shion's emotions.

"Brother Ye Du? Is your name Ye Du? Please teach me ninjutsu!"

To everyone's surprise, the girl they rescued actually knelt down and begged Ye Du to teach her ninjutsu.

"No, no, no?

"Seven Six Zero" Ye Du also has a big head, he seems to have triggered someone else's plot.

I didn't expect Yingying to be a teacher of her own.

There was a strange feeling in Ye Du's heart.

The last person who apprenticed to him was Konoha Maru.

Now there is actually a girl of the same age who is apprenticing to him.

Hmm, it seems to be pretty good too.

"No, Ye Du and we all have tasks to do and can't teach you."

Ino pulled Ye Du's arm, signaling the other party not to agree to the girl.

"Ye Du, don't give ninjutsu to ordinary people easily, this will not only harm yourself but also others."

Ino whispered in Ye Du's ear.

"No, I won't, I am a member of the earth spider family, and I can be considered to have some connections with Konoha, and I am not an ordinary person.

Although Ino's voice was low, Hotaru still heard what Ino said, and she quickly pulled off the clothes in front of her to prove that she was not an ordinary person.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Shion hurriedly stood between Yingying and Ye Du.

The girl actually planned to take off her shirt in front of everyone.

Damn, how good is Ye Du's peach luck?

Shion thought that this girl of unknown origin was her brother Ye Du who planned to seduce her.

"this is?"

Hinata had already seen Hotaru's thing with his white eyes.

"It's our family's secret technique...

Firefly showed her back a little sadly.

Because of this secret technique, she was always discriminated against by people in the village.

"Is it the alliance established by the three generations of Hokage and your soil spider clan? 95

Ye Du curiously touched the secret technique inlaid on Ying's back with his fingers.

There is indeed some natural energy in it.

However, this level of secret art can only scare those small countries without Ninja Village.

"Yeah, yes.

Firefly re-dressed a little shyly.

"Brother Ye Du.

"Ye Du..."

"Hug, sorry, I didn't mean to.""

Ye Du really only touched it out of curiosity.

"Also ask Lord Ye Du to teach me ninjutsu!

After regrouping, Ying knelt in front of Ye Du again.

"Master Ye Du, please accept me.""

Looking at the blonde girl kneeling in front of him, Ye Du wanted to refuse several times, but he was never able to say the words of refusal.

He can't do something like rejecting a girl.

Moreover, it seems that there is a female apprentice who is also very good.

"Ye Du, you don't really want to accept her, do you?"

Ino believes that ninjas should not teach commoners ninjutsu at will.

This is a concept passed down from generation to generation in their family.

"This, of course not."

Ye Du's words instantly reassured 4.7 Ino.

"No, can't you?"

Tears welled up in Ying's eyes.

"It won't be that simple.

Ye Du added another sentence.

"Brother Ye Du.

Shion knew what Ye Du had said, and in all likelihood, she would accept this girl named Yingying.

Ino also frowned again.

"No matter how Master Ye Du tests me, I will pass!"

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