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Chapter 372 is full of surprises (2/4)

"Is this ninjutsu also the technique of flying thunder god?"

Terumi Mei's face was full of surprise.

"Well, I just deflected its attack, not blocked it.

Ye Du pointed to the forest not far away.

"Okay, I'm going to appease it, and I'll ask Mistress Shuiying to wait for a while."

Ye Du threw the flying thunder god Kunai in his hand at Mitsuo.

"Wait! Are you planning to snatch our Misty Wood Spoon-tailed Beast?

Terumi Mei suddenly realized that the ninja in front of him was probably also here to capture Mitsuo.

"No, I have no interest in catching the tailed beast and shutting it in the body..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Du had already moved to the vicinity of Sanwei through the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Don't run!

15 Ye Du's answer did not dispel Terumi Mei's doubts.

On the contrary, Terumi Mei's doubts deepened.

Why did Konoha send a ninja who was obviously not a shinobi to Kiriyin Village? Is it to paralyze us and then hide their true purpose?

She quickly caught up with Ye Du with her instant body technique!

"The art of melting and melting monsters!"

Terumi Meditation will use this move to force Ye Du away from Sanwei.

Looking at the overwhelming yellow acid, Ye Du did not choose to escape.

He decided to use the newly learned ninjutsu to deal with the Mizukage-sama.

"Escape the water and break the waves!"

A jet of ultra-high pressure water quickly spewed out of Ye Du's mouth.

The powerful high-pressure water jet cut through the molten acid surrounding him and Mitsuo like a sharp blade.

After cutting a path out of the acid, Ye Du's Water Breaking Wave did not end there, the high-pressure water column of the Water Breaking Wave continued to reach Terumi's face.


Terumi Mei turned into a humanoid and disappeared.

She used the water escape clone as a stand-in in advance to avoid people's water break waves.

This stinky brat is actually capable of advanced ninjutsu!

Now, Terumi Mei completely thought that Ye Du was the one sent by Konoha to sabotage the plan of Kiriyin Village.

"Okay, Mizuying-sama, I will appease Sanwei soon.

Ye Du's water breaking waves didn't mean to hurt anyone.

His water attribute was also cultivated when he was bored at the ninja school.

After forcing Terumi Mei back, Ye Du quickly jumped onto Sanwei's back, and then used the power of Nine Tails to forcibly pull Sanwei into his own consciousness space.

"What the hell is that kid doing?"

Terumi Mei didn't move after seeing Ye Du standing on Sanwei's back.


Changjurou, Zabuzhan and the others also followed after a brief moment of surprise.

"Are you all right?"

Chojuro saw that the bandage on Terumi Mei's left arm began to bleed again.

That is the wound left after the fight with Madara Uchiha the day before yesterday.


Ye Du in the distance was still standing on the back of the 770 Sanwei.

Terumi Mei originally thought that Ye Du was a warlock who was preparing to seal the three tails, but now it seems that this is not the case!

Neither Sanwei nor the boy named Ye Du had any chakra fluctuations on his body, as if he was asleep.

That kid...what are you going to do?

"That Konoha's Shinobi, do you want to do it?"

Chojuro once again injected chakra into the flounder flounder in his hand.

Here he is!

Zaibuzhan saw that Ye Du's figure had jumped from Sanwei's back to the water in front of them, and Changjuro's double swords quickly blocked Ye Du's face.

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