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Chapter 405 Escape Route (3/4)

Scorpion was developing the latest type of poison in the house, and when he heard the knock on the door, he immediately became alert.

Are those ghost sharks coming to the door again?

It's really annoying, that Uchiha Madara can't even beat Konoha's sub-nin, and he still talks about the Eye of the Moon plan.

Now the scorpion just wants to make a good preparation of poison, and then make a few more attractive puppets, and doesn't want to participate in those terrifying fights.

"Two travelers who want to stay overnight."

Ye Du directly opened the door of the wooden house and walked in.

"Yes, it's you!"

The dozens of puppets who were about to attack Ye Du suddenly stopped.

Scorpion recognizes this kid from Konoha Village, and it is he who defeated the unbelievable Uchiha Madara.

"Looks like you remember me. 35

"What are you going to do?

Scorpion has prepared an escape route outside the window in advance.

This kid is too dangerous, he wants to live a few more years.

"I need your help."

Ye Du did not gossip, and directly stated his intentions.

"You want my help too?"

Scorpion's tone was a little weird.

"Also? Did Madara Uchiha find you too?

Sasuke had already seen through Scorpion's attempt to escape, and he directly blocked Scorpion's back with Amaterasu.

"Looks like I don't have a choice?"

Sasuke's Amaterasu was simply the nemesis of puppets, and Scorpion looked at the several puppets he had burned with pain.

"Of course you have a choice, you can choose to be your own puppet, or to be our puppet when you die."5

Ye Du didn't mind killing someone like Scorpion.

Oh, the other party can no longer be regarded as a real person, just a living puppet.

"I see, tell me, what do you want me to do?

Scorpion knew that if he refused now, he would most likely die here.

"It's very simple, I need those spies you planted in Shayin Village.

Ye Du stepped back from the nine-tailed chakra mode.

"Sand Hidden Village?

Scorpion is a little curious.

What are these two Konoha ninjas trying to do?

"Ye Du, why don't you just kill him? It won't take much time to control him with Reincarnation anyway.

On the way back, Sasuke was still a little confused.

"No, a conscious living person is much more convenient to use than a dead person, and don't you think it would be better to use another god to control him?"

...for flowers »

Ye Du didn't plan to let Scorpion go just like that.

"So that's what you were thinking about.

Sasuke didn't ask any further questions.

With Scorpion's status in Shayin Village, it is indeed better for him to be alive than dead.

In a sense, the other party is still a puppet who will not die of old age, and the control of Shayin Village in the future still needs the help of this scorpion.

The puppet master becomes a puppet, perhaps this is the fate of the puppet master.


"However, Madara Uchiha seems to be looking for him too, so there won't be any problems, right?

Sasuke and Ye Du have returned to Sandyin Village.

The two of them unconsciously came to the high slope that Gaara brought them to today.

Indeed, the man in that window can only be seen at night.

"It doesn't matter, I will personally bring "Fox" to make Scorpion become the puppet of other gods. And if he is smart enough, he will definitely choose to join Uchiha Madara, only then will he be more useful.

Ye Du even led Scorpion to agree to Madara Uchiha's invitation.

The other party's prudence and ingenuity will definitely choose to join Madara Uchiha, and then continue to keep in touch with himself.

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