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Chapter 420 Instant Disappearance (2/4)

"Good. 99

"It seems that this ninja world is really not scientific." Baizu was still coveting the dragon veins... Baizu's answer was almost the same as what Ye Du thought.

The betrayal of this Shayin Village is still coveting the power of the dragon.

Moreover, in a short while, he will be able to learn the ninjutsu of the seal-devouring technique, and then break through the seal of the dragon vein, and forcefully obtain the power of the dragon vein.

"Since even the seal of the fourth Hokage still exists... but Baizu is about to be eliminated now, how can he go back to the past to harm Lou-Lan?

Looking at Baizu, who was being controlled by Sharinyan in front of him, Ye Du really couldn't understand why people from more than ten years ago would go to Loulan to perform tasks related to dragon veins.

Just when he was thinking about the paradox of time and space, the voice of the Kurama suddenly rang in his mind again.

"Ye Du, that Anbu is following again.

Nine tails are also very confused about the identity of the female ninja.

"What?" Ye Du's face changed slightly, and then he looked around.

Sure enough, the Anbu ninja with a strange mask appeared in his sight again. But the other party soon disappeared.

"Where did you go?"

Ye Du found that the other party's breath disappeared in an instant.

"Master, it's not good!"

The fox noticed that Baizu, who was standing in front of him just now, suddenly disappeared.

"What about people!?

In the blink of an eye, when Ye Du turned around, he found that the hundred feet were gone.

"It seems that he was taken away by the person who just appeared, Master!

Fox's face was full of shock.

"That woman..."

Ye Du was even more curious about the identity of the other party. He actually stole someone under his nose. The strength of the other party should not be underestimated.

"I'm sorry, Master, it's my fault for not paying attention." The fox lowered his head guiltily.

"Don't blame you, that guy's speed is quite fast, even if I am not careful, I can't be beaten, where is the other party going to take Baizu?

"Do you want to bring it back to Shayin Village?"

"and many more!"

The other party was able to follow him to this desert, maybe it was also for the dragon veins. Longmai Ye Du didn't hesitate any more, after throwing down the "fox", he quickly ran towards the ancient ruins of Loulan.

Oops, the power of the dragon veins can't be taken away from this inexplicable guy!

.....for flowers

It was the first time Ye Du felt that he was out of his control since his crossing fourteen years ago.

The power of the dragon veins, in case it is used indiscriminately by someone with a heart, is likely to change something in this world, and then inevitably threaten his and Sasuke's plan.

"Really bad!"

Ye Du hurried for most of the day before arriving at this devastated ancient city of Loulan.

The rays of light rising from the heights of Loulan, the emotions of mixed feelings, the vein of the dragon that must be guarded, piercing the blade, looking up at the sky.

The dust storm is coming, the glorious sun is shining, the flowers are dancing beautifully, the light inherited on the spiral, cut off the dragon's hand and head towards the inner court.

"This song is..."

Ye Du was a little surprised that he actually heard this familiar Loulan ballad in this ruin. Could it be that there are still survivors of the ancient kingdom of Loulan in this ruins?

"Ye Du, that female ninja and hundred feet are in the dragon vein!" Kurama interrupted Ye Du's absence with a rough voice.

It felt a little strange when it was fascinated by Ye Du several times.

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