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Chapter 422 Chilling Atmosphere (4/4)

He had already sensed the chilling atmosphere tonight.


The big white bird is Deidara! It seems Madara Uchiha is ready to attack Gaara.

According to the previous plan, Sasuke hid in a place with a wide view, quietly waiting for Madara Uchiha to arrive.

Bright sunshine and green grass.

After an unknown amount of time, Ye Du's body gradually regained consciousness.

"That rascal!

After abruptly opening his eyelids, Ye Du quickly sat up from the grass.

"here is…."


All you can see are the western-style tower buildings.

The towering building made Ye Du wake up from his confused state in an instant.

This is the real Loulan, no, perhaps it should be said that it was once prosperous Loulan.

"Ye Du, something is coming!"

Just when Ye Du looked at these buildings in a daze, Kurama's voice suddenly rang in his mind.

"Oh? Is it Baizu's puppet?"

With nine tails' reminder, Ye Du saw three mechanical puppets flying towards him.

"Well, it looks like history is repeating itself."

Nine tails, who had lived for thousands of years like Hei Jue, couldn't help but be curious about what happened this time. Why did that person save Baizu, and what was the purpose of opening the dragon veins?

It has to be said that the power of dragon veins that can travel through time and space is too rare.

"History repeats itself!

Looking at the few puppets flying towards him, Naruto quickly entered the toad fairy mode.

"The immortal water escapes the water and breaks the waves!"

With the addition of the immortal chakra, Ye Du's water smashed the mechanical puppet in front of him invincibly, and also cut the building behind the puppet in half.

Boom! The cracked tower fell heavily to the ground.

In this deserted city, a huge amount of dust was raised.

"It seems that the Baizu guy has discovered me, but he actually has the courage to come, it seems that he has obtained the power of the dragon vein."

After easily taking care of the puppet, Ye Du quickly jumped off in the city with many tall buildings.

"If I remember correctly, that Queen Sarah should be in front, and..."

After Ye Du ran around the next corner, he found the Konoha trio with masks.

Namikaze Minato, Oil Girl Zhiwei, Qiu Dao Dingza...

Huh, fortunately I didn't see another figure of me. It seems that there is no parallel world in this ninja world.

Due to the crossing and integration between me and Sasuke fourteen years ago, all subsequent events have changed.

Ye Du was thinking about whether he should say hello to the young Namikaze Minato, when a masked ninja suddenly appeared behind him.

"It's you?

Ye Du stopped on top of a tall building.

"Behind him is the strange Anbu of Sandyin Village."


Ye 847 Du was about to ask the other party's name and purpose, but the other party suddenly rushed towards him.

"Want to play gymnastics with me?

Ye Du instantly turned on the nine-tailed chakra mode.

He couldn't hold back any longer against this eccentric ninja.

Wait...she doesn't seem hostile. Ye Du was completely unaware that the other party had any malicious intent.


But the opponent's fist was clearly approaching his face.

"Hey, Kurama, is there something wrong with your chakra perception?" Ye Du asked the nine tails in his heart while resisting the opponent's physical attack, but the nine tails did not respond.

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