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Chapter 433 No Wind Automatic (3/4)


Although Sarah wanted to praise Ye Du's handsome appearance, it was still important to save people first.

"This is for you, try to keep it on your body.

Ye Du took out a handful of Flying Thunder God Kuwu from his pocket and gave it to Sarah.

"I will."

Sarah nodded, and then ran to the trapped Loulan people amid the explosion.

"Okay, now it's time for us to make a fuss, Kurama. 99

The spiral pill in Ye Du's hand is rapidly getting bigger.

"Super Jade Spiral Pills!"


The oversized Spiral Pills smashed all the mechanical puppets standing in front of Ye Du, and the hundred feet behind the puppets quickly blocked him with the power of the dragon veins.

But the powerful spinning force on the Spiral Maru still made him fly upside down in an instant.


Baizu, who turned into a spider puppet, was firmly pressed into the stone wall by Ye Du's spiral pill.

"Zhiwei, Ding Zuo!"

After seeing the oversized spiral pill Ye Du made, Minato didn't stop because of surprise.


Oil Girl Zhiwei and Qiu Dao Dingzu quickly used their own tricks.

"Ninja Bug Ball!

"Partial doubling technique!"

After the black insect swarm devoured the body of the hundred-footed puppet, it was slapped on the ground by Ding Zuo's huge arm.


The hundred-footed puppet-like body has begun to fall apart.


When Ye Du was about to say goodbye to Minato Namikaze and the others, a soft body suddenly plunged into his arms.

"Xiao An? Where did you go before, I've been looking for you.

Ye Du didn't expect Xiao An to appear here too.


The young version of Kakashi looked at the father and daughter in front of him with surprise.

But this female ninja was obviously bigger than her father looked.

"Dad, Grandpa, I understand!"

Oil Girl Zhiwei already understood the relationship between these two strange ninjas and their relationship with Minato Namifeng.

"What do you understand? Zhiwei.

Qiu Dao Dingza still doesn't know anything.

"This ninja is the daughter of that young ninja, and then that young ninja is Minato's son. The proof is that the spiral pill that the ninja used just now is more powerful than Minato. Oil Girl Zhiwei is very keen to understand the relationship between the three generations of this grandfather and grandson. relationship between.

"What daughter, son.

Qiu Dao Dingzu still doesn't understand.

"Be careful, don't let your guard down, he won't be easily subdued by us.""

Namikaze Minato also heard the words of the oil girl Zhiwei, and he actually guessed so in his heart.


"Dad, how handsome you were holding your mother just now!"

Xiao An looked at her father with admiration on her face.

"And that super-large jade spiral pill, which I haven't even learned yet. 35

"You don't know the spiral shuriken either?"

Ye Du was a little curious, his daughter Lian Fei Leishen had learned it, but she could not learn this super large jade spiral pill that didn't require much skill.

"No, because I don't know Immortal Art yet, and I can't enter (Qian Nuo's) Immortal state."

Xiao An lowered her head in frustration.

"I see.

Ye Du smiled and touched the top of Xiao An's head.

"It's okay, Dad will teach you later.""

"Well! Dad is the best!"

Xiao An hugged Ye Du's body Xian again.

"Ahem, that, your name is Ye Du, right?"

Minato Namikaze interrupted the intimate interaction between the father and daughter a little embarrassedly.

"Yes, I am.

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