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Chapter 438 Restored Strength (4/4)

She regained her strength and stood up from Ye Du's arms.


After Xiao An said Jiuwei's name, Ye Du clearly felt that Jiuwei's chakra seemed a little excited, even wearing Xiao An's chakra coat.

However, the nine tails did not speak, but silently conveyed his chakra.


After seeing that Sara was about to close the dragon veins, Hundred Feet moved his huge body and rushed towards Sara's body frantically.

Just a little bit, just a little bit.

Sarah did not stop her movements because of the threat of Baizu.

The purple brilliance of the dragon veins is slowly dissipating between her hands.

"Damn it! It's too late to stop it."

Baizu stretched out a huge scorpion tail and slammed it towards Sarah, who was in front of her.


The puppet's mechanical joints made a rattling sound in the rapid swing.

The sound of breaking wind has also come to Sarah's ears.

Although the deadly threat was in sight, Sara continued to close the dragon vein regardless.


Seeing the scorpion tail that had come to the top of Sarah's head, Xiao An couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's okay, I will protect your mother.

Ye Du disappeared in front of Xiao An before he finished speaking.

With a swish, Ye Du used the Flying Thunder God Kuai left for Sarah, and instantly moved in front of Sarah.


Ye Du's body was wrapped in a burst of yellow light, and then nine tails grew out.

He directly entered the state of tailed beast.

The roar of the nine tails made the flying giant tail stop for a while.

Ye Du's nine-tailed body bit the scorpion tail that was still waving in the air.


Baizu looked shocked at the huge golden fox standing in front of him.

Is this Konoha's genin a human Zhuli?

"That's it! No wonder you can give us the nine-tailed chakra." Minato Namifeng then realized that the Ye Du in front of him was the perfect person.

"Ye Du, it has been successful.

With the disappearance of the last beam, the dragon veins in the entire circular pit fell into a static state.


Baizuyan watched the dragon vein chakra that he had worked so hard to collect for six years lose its source, and his face was distorted with anger.

"I want you little bastards to live rather than die!"

Baizu swung towards Ye Du's direction with a huge puppet mechanical arm.

"Sarah, get down first!"

Ye Du used his nine-tailed body to firmly bite the puppet's scorpion tail.

He didn't pay attention to the opponent's next attack at all.

Although I don't know why, Sarah fell on the ground obediently.

"go to hell!

Baizu's giant pincers have come to the vicinity of Jiuwei, but the scorpion tail that was bitten in the mouth suddenly came with a huge force, and Baizu's body lost the ability to move in an instant.

"Let him dance! Kurama. 35

The golden nine (Nuo's) tail pulled the hundred-footed scorpion tail with its mouth, and then began to drag and spin.

At the same time, the huge body connected to the scorpion tail also began to rotate violently in mid-air in this circular building.

"Ah ah ah.

Hundreds of feet also swirled in the sky along with Ming.

After a few laps, Ye Du threw the huge puppet's body out.


The centipede body and the hard wall came for a close kiss.

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