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Chapter 444 Possibilities (2/4)

"Is it already the second day?"

Xiao An sat up on Ye Du's body, then rubbed her eyes.

"Ah! It's mother! 35

After seeing Sarah in pajamas in front of her, Xiao An hugged him directly.


Sarah looked inexplicably at Ye Du who was still lying on the bed.

"Yes, she is our daughter.

Ye Du yawned. Although he didn't do anything last night, he didn't sleep well because he didn't do anything.


Although Sarah is not clear about things between men and women, she still has some knowledge about having children.

"But to give birth to a child, don't you have to be pregnant for ten months, and the child born should be a child, right? But she...""

Sarah felt that the 930-year-old girl in front of her should be as big as her.

It couldn't possibly be her own daughter.


Sarah's mind is not stupid, with Ye Du's example, Sarah has already guessed a certain possibility of what happened.

"Mom, I've never come here too!"

Before Sarah could express her doubts, Xiao An answered the question.

"All right.

In any case, looking at the face of the other party that is almost the same as her own, Sarah can only believe that this girl of the same age as herself is probably indeed a daughter from the future.

"Mum's (bfeh) expression is so funny."

Xiao An greedily breathed the scent of the young mother, then left the other's arms eccentrically, and then pulled Ye Du up on the bed.

"Dad, today is mom's sixteenth birthday, you have to make mom happy!" Xiao An once again served as a wingman for her parents.

two years.

With Ye Du's continuous efforts, Sarah finally succeeded in giving birth to a healthy baby.

The name was chosen by Sarah, because both Ye Du and Xiao An brought her a sense of peace of mind, so the baby's name was called An Xin.

"Ye Du, are you and Xiao An going to return to the original time and space tomorrow?"

Although she was only eighteen years old, Sarah, who was already mature, asked her husband beside her with a gentle face.

"Well, Xiao An said that even if we go back, she and I can always come back to see you, as long as the dragon veins are still there."

Ye Du put his hands together with Sara affectionately. The past two years can be regarded as the most carefree two years for him.

Whether it was Madara Uchiha or Hei Jue, he left them behind and only paid attention to the woman beside him.

"Okay, then you must be careful."

Sara was no longer the shy little girl she used to be, she glanced at Ye Du, who was already half a head taller than herself, and kissed him gently on the cheek. .

"I'll be waiting for you in the future."

"Well, I'll go to the future to find you tomorrow.

Ye Du hugged the wife in front of him tightly, and whispered in the other's ear.

"Irregular again.

Sarah rolled her eyes at Ye Du in front of her, and then turned her gaze to Xiao An not far away.

The current daughter is still learning to walk, and the future daughter can fly all over the sky.

It's a wonderful thing.

"Are you ready? Xiao An?

Ye Du took out a Flying Thunder God Kunai from his pocket.

After saying goodbye to the eighteen-year-old Sarah, Ye Du and Xiao An have come to the seal formation at the source of the dragon veins.

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