The long clay centipede entangled Gaara's body in an instant.

"Is it that easy to catch?"

Deidara looked at Gaara, who was tied into a big dumpling by himself, with a little surprise on his face.

"According to the information, although this Gaara is only a lower ninja, he already has a strength that even upper ninja can't ignore.

"In the end, I didn't beat me with one move, eh?"

When Deidara was about to detonate his clay centipede to stun Gaara, he found that his ankle was already covered with a layer of fine sand.

"It's a clone! 35

Only then did Deidara realize that what his clay centipede was trapped in was just a sand clone.

The real Gaara has long since disappeared.

"Sand-bound coffin! 35

The sand on Deidara's feet has gradually begun to cover his body.

Deidara quickly got rid of Gaara's sand and jumped into the sky.

The big white bird flew by, he managed to dodge Gaara's sand, and then stood on his big bird.

"It seems that this person's strength is not easy to deal with."

Deidara tried hard to find Gaara's figure, but since the other party used the sand clone, he never appeared again.

Except for the eye of sand suspended in the air.

"Where did he run off to?"

Deidara watched the sand on the ground intently, and controlled the clay bird to avoid wave after wave of sand attacks.


Deidara didn't know that Gaara was in a space deep underground at this time.

He wanted to see who, besides Deidara, Madara Uchiha sent over.


Deidara, who did not find the direction of Gaara, could only choose the most primitive and effective carpet bombing.

He threw white clay bombs like locusts on the ground where Gaara might exist.


"This guy.

Gaara saw that several houses had been affected by Deidara's bomb.

No way, Gaara had to expose half of her body on the ground.

If this continues, more civilians will be involved.

"Oh? You're finally willing to come out?"

Deidara stopped the carpet bombing and dived in the direction of Gaara.

"It rains even when the sand is thrown!

Gaara folded his hands together, and a large number of round sand bullets shot from the ground like a machine gun towards Deidara who was flying towards him.

"What a strong sand."

Deidara saw that the clay birds under his feet were about to be sifted by Gaara's sand.

He hurriedly controlled the clay bird under his feet again and rose into the sky.

However, Gaara's sand rain did not stop there, and he also let the sand under his feet fly to the sky with his body.

Under his control, the round sand bullets continued to attack Deidara.

"Damn, this guy isn't finished yet!

Deidara quickly let the beak on his hands eat more clay.

"Exploding Clay・Biplane!"

The small white bird flew towards Gaara's body in an instant.

Although Sand Shiyu knocked out a lot of flying clay birds, a few still came to Gaara quickly.


Gaara had to stop Sand Shigure's attack, and then used a sand shield to block the explosion of the winged bird.


After a burst of smoke and dust, Gaara's figure slowly emerged from the half of the sand shield.

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