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Chapter 456 Misfortune is more fortunate (2/4)

Able to sneak into the Yunlei Gorge quietly and deal with Yuki, who is known for his speed.

I am afraid that the strength of the coming....


In addition to the man with the big sword, there were two other people in big cloaks.

"The man of Yanyin Village, and this reincarnation eye, did Madara Uchiha come in person?"

Cold sweat broke out on Kirabi's face.

In this case, he can only call Ye Du through the eight tails in his body. "Nine Six Seven"

But, unfortunately, Ye Du didn't have any answer.

"Oh? Looks like you've guessed our identities?"

Madara Uchiha also appeared on a big tree not far away.

In this dark and windy night, it was difficult for Kirabi to see each other's face clearly.

But this voice, he has confirmed the other party's voice.

Uchiha Madara.

The smell of blood is very strong around, and the Yunyin Village ninja guarding Yunlei Gorge should have all been poisoned.

Facing the chilling atmosphere, Kirabi didn't have much fear in his heart, he was just a little angry that he hadn't sensed the arrival of Madara Uchiha and others earlier.

As a result, the companions of Yunyin Village suffered heavy casualties.

"Bi, there is still no news from the nine tails, what should we do now?"

The eight-tailed cow ghost's voice also had a hint of solemnity.

Through the memory transmitted to him by the nine tails, Niu Gui knew about the infinite monthly reading plan of Madara Uchiha in the previous world.

This time, I'm afraid it will be less fortunate.

Facing this legendary ninja, they probably don't have any chance of winning.

Even escaping is quite difficult.

"Use the tailed beast jade to remind Yunyin Village! Then find an opportunity to escape! At least Madara Uchiha must be led away from the village."

Kirabi said.

"Huh? Who are you?"

A petite figure appeared in front of the fourth Raikage.

"Raikage-sama, she is the Nanao Ren Zhuri who disappeared before Takiyin Village!"

A Yunyin Murakami Shinobi quickly recognized Fu in front of him.

However, Fu, who has been made into a puppet, has no intention of answering the question.

The art of sorcery!

Bang bang bang!

Three strangely shaped psychic beasts soon appeared in front of everyone.

Cerberus three-headed dog, chameleon, octopus.

After doing all this, the figure of "Fu" disappeared in front of everyone along with the giant lizard.

And the three-headed dog and the huge strange bird have already begun to destroy everywhere in Yunyin Village...


Yataghatsaka dropped one egg after another that could explode.

Because of the overwhelming bombardment and the roar of the hellhounds, the entire village fell into a panic.

Everywhere are villagers fleeing towards the shelter.

There is also Yunyin Village ninja who is barely fighting against these two psychic beasts.


Seeing the ruined village, the fourth Raikage was so angry that his whole body was electrified.

Under the stimulation of the whole body electric current, the four generations of Raikage's hair all stood up.

"Xi, find a way to stop the psychic beast in the sky, and find the invisible guy! Darui, take someone to Yunlei Gorge quickly, something happened to Kirabi!" 4.7

After allocating manpower, the fourth Raikage roared and rushed towards the Cerberus not far away.

"Others, hurry up and let the people in the village go out for shelter!"

"Yes! 99

The ninjas of Yunyin Village all scattered.

Although he was very anxious about the situation on Kirabi's side, in order to protect the village first, the Fourth Raikage decided to deal with the psychic beast in front of him and the man of Takiyin Village, Zhuri.

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