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Chapter 466 Authenticity (4/4)


Sasuke had no idea when Ye Du had another daughter.

"Are you sure you're not a woman?"

Sasuke subconsciously glanced at Samui, who had begun to slowly wake up on the ground.

It's really hard to understand Ye Du's mind to actually give the Cao Nanjian to an irrelevant woman.

"Oh, it's really my daughter, I'll explain it to you later!"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Du had already disappeared in front of Sasuke's "Nine Seven Three".


Sasuke frowned and began to think about the truth of Ye Du's words.

"Ye Du, you're finally back, it's time to explain this "daughter" to me. 33 Ye Du, who used the Flying Thunder God to return to Kushina's side, didn't land, and was chased and questioned by the other party.

"Has Xiao An already explained it?"

Ye Du glanced at the good daughter who was being held in his arms by Kushina.

"Xiao An is so good, he must have told me long ago, but I want to hear from you.

"Go, go, go."

Ye Du shrugged helplessly.

I began to tell the story of how to go to Loulan more than ten years ago.

"So, that is to say, is Xiao An really older than you?"

Kushina asked curiously.

"Well, although it's quite amazing, Xiao An is indeed about two years older than me."

Ye Du felt that he should be the only father in the world with a daughter older than himself.

The key daughter's age is still true, and the other party is indeed "born" in this world earlier than himself.

"It's okay, Dad, although Dad is young, I won't dislike you to be my dad.

Xiao An patted his father's head with a smile on his face.

"Small or small, neither big nor small.

Ye Du patted off Xiao An's little hand, and then pinched the other's cheek.

"Ugh, don't, Dad, it hurts.

Xiao An immediately began to beg for mercy.

"Ye Du! Don't bully my granddaughter."

Jiuxinai immediately sanctioned Ye Du's head, and then put Xiao An in his arms with a distressed expression.

Suddenly there was a granddaughter who was older than his son. After being shocked, Kushina was more excited.

The purpose of her daughter-in-law is to hold her grandchildren.

Now I have a daughter-in-law and a granddaughter.

It feels like life is complete.

After holding Xiao An in his arms, Kushina's face is now full of happiness..

"Mom, you will spoil Xiao An like this. 35

Ye Du wanted to pull his daughter out of Kushina's arms, but obviously, he failed.

"Hmph, you were not spoiled by me when you were a child, but you are fine now! Now that my granddaughter has grown up so much, why can't you let me spoil her."

Kushina now wants to put all her love on Xiao An alone.

As for Ye Du, he has completed his mission and can do what he should do.


Forget it, Ye Du knew that reasoning with women at this time was of no use.

"Then, come with me to see Xiao An's mother later."

Ye Du's words instantly aroused Kushina's greater interest.

4.7 "Xiao An's mother? Where is she now?

After hearing this news, Kushina even let go of Xiao An's body, and then grabbed Ye Du's arm again.

"It won't be in Sandyin Village, will it?"

Kushina still misses that Temari who looks so good.

"No, Xiao An's hair is red like mine, but that female ninja is blonde.

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