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Chapter 477 Undisputed (3/4)

The Fourth Naruto is indeed the undisputed perfect ninja.

"It's really boring, Madara Uchiha didn't bother the Five Shadows talks."

Ye Du had already started counting boredly how many guard warriors were in the warrior building.

"Uchiha Madara won't do such a boring thing like Obito?, That guy must be still dealing with the few tailed beasts he got not long ago."5

Sasuke briefly analyzed Uchiha Madara's current trends.

"They seem to be coming out."

Ye Du saw that the first person to come out was Leiying and his party from Yunyin Village.

Fourth Raikage's expression seems to be quite angry, he is probably still angry that Mifune did not recommend him to be the leader of the coalition forces.

It was followed by Terumi 15 Mei of Kiriyin Village.

She seemed to be still talking to Sam Yi of Yunyin Village, because it was too far away, Ye Du could only see the expressions on their faces.

Samui seems to be quite indifferent, but Terumi Mei seems to be enthusiastic, but it seems that he is mocking or demonstrating?

"Tuying also came out, shall we follow?"

Sasuke didn't pay attention to the others, he only saw the goal of the operation.

"Don't worry, Kakashi and Itachi-sensei have also come out. Let's wait for them all to leave, and let's keep up with the shadow."

Ye Du has already seen Itachi's figure.

Sasuke also hid more carefully after seeing Itachi.

"Senior Kakashi, do you have the feeling that someone is staring at you? 39

Uchiha Itachi seemed to notice something.

He glanced at Ye Du and Sasuke's place unconsciously.

"No, I found nothing."

Kakashi also tried to search around, but did not find any suspicious people.

"Minato-sensei, to form an alliance of ninjas, Konoha will become more prosperous in the future.

"Of course, we must also promote a group of young people in the village as soon as possible. It is best to hand over everything in the village to the next generation, otherwise I don't want to die from overwork in the future."

Namikaze Minato doesn't want to work overtime in the office every night.


Uchiha Itachi looked at Hokage-sama in front of him and hesitated.

His younger brothers Sasuke and Ye Du are obviously doing some dangerous things secretly. Do you want to inform Hokage about this?

He was a little confused for a while

Ye Du is the son of Hokage-sama, maybe Hokage-sama already knows.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Itachi stopped again.

"What's the matter? Weasel?

"No, nothing.

Uchiha Itachi shook his head gently.

Ye Du smiled and glanced at Sasuke beside him.

He had already seen Bai Jue appearing near the Samurai Building.

"This guy.

Sasuke glanced at Bai Jue, who was about to surround the four generations of Huo 983 Shadow and his party, with a displeased expression on his face.

"Do you also plan to demonstrate against the five major countries?"

Sasuke didn't expect Madara Uchiha to really plan to appear here.

"I'm afraid it's for Gaara and Terumi Mei, Uchiha Madara is ready to attack again.

Ye Du sensed that Madara Uchiha was going three-way this time. Not only did Shi Hokage have Shiro, but Gaara and Terumi Mei also had evil chakra reactions.

"Kakashi, Itachi, be careful!"

Namikaze Minato threw the hat on his head directly, and then disappeared in place in an instant.

"This is?"

Kakashi looked shocked at the white objects growing on his arms and his body.

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