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Chapter 484 Hard Stubble (2/4)

It didn't take too long to defeat Oni Shark and Bai Jue just now, so Minato Namikaze should still be staying with the people of Sandyin Village now.

At the border of the Iron Country, Gaara also stopped walking.

"Be careful, Lord I love Luo."

Yura and Maki stood in front of Gaara like a formidable enemy.

They all stared solemnly at a short scorpion "Red Sand Scorpion" in front of them.


When Madara Uchiha attacked the village before, he also appeared once, but he did not appear in front of him now.

"Just you? Scorpion?

Gaara's face didn't change. After the last attack, although he lost half of Shouhe, his strength has risen again.

He may be the one with the lowest combat power among the five shadows, but at least he has reached the standard strength of the village shadow.

He did not panic in the slightest about the Shayin Village rebellion who appeared in front of him.

"Am I not enough by myself? Then again, it seems that there is really no one in Shayin Village, and Fengying has actually let you as a kid. 39

The task that Uchiha Madara arranged for Scorpion was only to involve the people in Sandyin Village.

But the scorpion doesn't have the slightest intention to do it first, and the puppet will be scrapped when it encounters sand.

Gaara also found that the other party didn't seem to be doing it, and he didn't make any (bfeh) movements, but his two guards, Maki and Yura, seemed very excited.

"Huh? Why are there still people here?"

Just when Scorpion was about to fight with Maki, he suddenly saw a yellow figure appear in front of him.

"Spiral Pills!

"Four Hokage!""

While shocked, Scorpion hurriedly used a thousand-handed martial arts to block the veneer spiral of Namikaze Minato.


The scorpion, who was still at ease just now, slipped away like a mouse seeing a cat.

What a joke, why does he have to deal with these tough stubble every time.

He's just an undercover.

Maki and Yura also looked in surprise at the yellow flashing Nami Feng Minato who suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Sorry, it seems like I scared him away?" Minato Minato Naikaze scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

"No, thank you very much, the fourth Hokage." Gaara said his thanks to Minato Minato with a blank face.

On the other side, "Woodun Flower Tree World is coming", and several huge flowers bloomed on the sturdy tree vines emerging from the soil.

"Not good! Get out of there, Ao, Chojuro, Madara just moved his muscles a little, and a vast forest appeared here."

Ao and Changjuro and the others jumped from the ground to the air in a hurry, but the flowers on the vines had already bloomed, and the yellow pollen filled the entire forest like dust.

"Cough cough!

Ao and Changjuro, as well as Samui and Nozomi, all inhaled the yellow pollen.

"No, this pollen is poisonous!

Blue's white eyes saw the chakra hidden in the pollen.

Although he tried his best to remind everyone, but under the influence of such a large range of pollen, everyone still inhaled some pollen more or less.

"White eyes? Hmph, it's actually in the hands of the people who are hidden in the fog. 55

Madara Uchiha despised the people of the next day Xiangjia in his heart, and then continued to form the next ninjutsu seal.

"Give you another fire!"

"The fire escapes the fire and extinguishes it!"

The forest, which was still full of life just now, immediately turned into a sea of ​​fire.

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