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Chapter 503 Immoral Behavior (1/4)

However, when he was leaving, Ye Du could still hear the voices of the two single dogs slandering him and Hinata for their immoral behavior of spreading dog food.

Just like when he was a child, after sending the shy Hinata back to the Hyuga's mansion, Ye Du quickly returned to his door.

At some point, his parents, Kushina and Minato Namikaze, "kicked Ye Du out of the house" on the grounds that they wanted a separate space.

Now Ye Du's house is a very quiet mansion.

In addition to Shion, Xiaonan, Yingying, and Xiaoan who often used the technique of flying thunder gods to jump between Loulan and Konoha repeatedly, the people who lived here also came back from time to time to live in Hana and Ino for a few days.

So, the house is quite lively.

Squeak, Ye Du pushed open the door, then walked in with a smile.

"Brother Ye Du!"

Ye Du, who had just walked in the door, was hugged by the eleven-year-old Hana.

"Dad... welcome home. 35

Behind the fireworks is Xiao An who is more and more mature, but for some reason, Ye Du always feels that Xiao An seems to be a little small.

Of course, this does not refer to appearance, but to psychological.

Sure enough, it's still that little padded jacket, so that it still looks like a child to this day?

Ye Du touched Hua Huo's forehead, and then glanced at Xiao An in front of him with helpless eyes. Forget it, her daughter is cute, and she can't grow up if she doesn't grow up!

"Is Ino here too today~"?" Ye Du saw the pale golden ponytail walking into the kitchen.

"Well, Ino Ru said that she wants to learn how to cook with Sister Xiao Nan..."

Not only Hinata, but even the young girl Hotaru has become more beautiful now.

With long brown curly hair and wearing loose home clothes, Ye Du's eyes had to focus on a dangerous place.

"Brother Ye Du! He came back so late, must he be fooling around?" Zi Yuan walked down the stairs with his arms on his shoulders.

After hearing Ye Du's voice, she immediately came out of her room.

Shion's unique lavender eyes, and her chest that wouldn't look mediocre compared to Ying Ying, also attracted Ye Du's attention.

"Brother Ye Du went out to find other women again?" Hua Huo looked up at Ye Du's eyes curiously.

Then, after seeing the other person's eyes staring straight at the breasts of the other two women in the room, she angrily stepped on Ye Du's instep with her feet wearing white cotton slippers.

"New mother?"

Xiao An also asked along with it.

"No, I just met Hinata on the way, so I was delayed for a while. 35

Ye Du explained carefully.


These words made Hanako successfully remove her little foot.

"Hinata today...

Ino and Konan brought the cooked food to the table.

"Maybe, Hinata said that she would first ask Mrs. Hinata for her opinion.

Looking at the dishes that Ino brought out, Ye Du was a little surprised.

"When did Ino decide to learn to cook?"

"You didn't make this (of Lee's) burnt thing, did you?

Ye Du pointed to the poached egg, which was slightly charred.

"Well, that was just an accident."

Ino moved another dish in front of Ye Du with some grievances.

"You did this too?"

Ye Du was a little surprised as the other dish was quite well presented.

"That's right, Ino's talent in cooking is very high.

Xiaonan also timely praised Ino and Yu.

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