"Just rubbing your face."

With a look of despair, Xiao Terumi Mei stepped back towards the outside of Loulan City, but she was too panicked and tripped over the gravel by the roadside.

Terumi Mei fell back to the ground heavily.

"it hurts.

The pain from her buttocks made her a little unbearable, but after seeing Ye Du getting closer and closer, she was even more afraid to move her body on the sand with her hands and feet behind her.

""Zero Five Seven" Hey, you... 99

Ye Du didn't expect Terumi Mei to be so afraid of this, so he had no choice but to show a smile that he thought was quite gentle at the princess of the land of water, and then stretched out his hand to help him up from the ground.

But in Terumi Mei's eyes, these actions were like a demon beckoning to her.

Ye Du's outstretched hand was a little stiff, and the other party actually cried.

Did you really go too far just now?


Terumi Mei was crying loudly as she stepped back.

As a princess of a country, she would rather die than be insulted.

"Hey, don't cry, I'm just joking.

Ye Du put his palm in front of Terumi Mei and shook it, but this didn't have any effect, it just made Terumi Mei cry more recklessly.

"Dad, are you bullying your new sister?"

Xiao An changed the word mother to sister in time.

"Ye Du, who is this little kid?

Fenghua Xiaoxue always felt as if she had seen this little girl somewhere.

Probably when I was negotiating the chakra armor business with the Land of Water, I felt that I had met once, but it didn't seem right.

"Don't ask, hurry up and coax her, let her cry like this, the desert will turn into a sea."

Should it be said to be the water shadow of the future?

Tears were dripping down like they didn't want money.

Ye Du spit out a sentence silently in his heart.

Under the comfort of Xiao An and Fenghua Xiaoxue, Terumi Mei finally stopped crying, and then went to the palace of Queen Loulan with them.

However, in order to prevent the future Xiao An from meeting the current Xiao An, Xiao An disappeared in front of everyone when he came to this palace.

"Is that older sister also a ninja?"

After seeing Xiao An disappeared silently, Terumi Mei asked Fenghua Xiaoxue who was beside him with some doubts.

After knowing Terumi Mei's identity, Fenghua Xiaoxue can no longer look directly at Terumi Mei's behavior of calling Xiao An's sister...

Ye Du is really a sinful man.

Terumi Mei no longer struggled with Xiao An's problem, but looked expectantly at Her Majesty Queen Loulan who came out from behind the curtain.

"so beautiful.

Sarah's appearance hasn't changed much from a year ago.

Still mature with a hint of greenness.

The purple queen clothes and the bright crown ornaments, combined with the unintentionally exuded queen temperament, quickly conquered Terumi Mei and Kawaka Koyuki who were standing below the steps.

"For the first time, I am Fenghua Xiaoxue from the Land of Snow.

"What a beautiful woman, no wonder Ye Du gave birth to her first daughter with her."

Fenghua Xiaoxue also secretly praised Sarah in front of her.


"The queen of Loulan is actually such a beautiful big sister, this is really a country that makes people feel dreamy.

Terumi Mei praised Queen Loulan in front of her and glared at Ye Du who was not far away.

"A rude guy like you should really be kicked out of this country. 99

After finishing speaking, Terumi Mei hurriedly hid behind Fenghua Xiaoxue in fear,

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