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Chapter 531 A Shy Thing (1/4)

Hinata was still urging Ye Du to go out. She seemed a little uncomfortable in this cute pink room.

Moreover, Ye Du didn't seem to listen to the illusions and mirror worlds that Ye Du said.

"Hinata. 35

Ye Du gently hugged Hinata in his arms.

"You're just still fighting with Uncle Ri. Let's take a night's rest at Ino's house tonight. It's much better than a hotel."

Ye Du took a cup of tea from the lovely well, and thanked him with a smile. "All right

Unexpectedly, Ye Du would actually hug him, and Hinata was quite satisfied.

"Ye Du, just don't dislike me being messy here..."

After seeing Ye Du and Hinata's intimacy, Ino's face quickly turned red, she was a little worried, Ye Du and Hinada would do something more shy at her house, but More of a curiosity.

Because the Ye Du in front of her was very different from the Ye Du in her impression.

If the former Ye Du would have pushed Hinata away, he would have said that I must become Hokage.

"Hey, Ye Du, the Hinata of this world is not the Hinata we know, the arrogant Ino like you." He glanced at Hinata who was leaning against Ye Du's arms with some dissatisfaction.

"No, I have seen this Hinata once."

Before crossing, in that Ye Du's memory, in this short moment, Bo Feng Ye Du recalled many things about that Ye Du.

"Ino, can you tell me what kind of person I am in this world?"

Ye Du is a little curious about what Ye Du in this world is like.

"Ye Du of this world, actually wanting to be a Hokage, is really funny enough.

After listening to the cute class Ino's explanation, the arrogant Ino leaned on Ye Du's other shoulder drowsily.

Seeing this person who has the same appearance as him, and made a friendly gesture with Ye Du so easily, the cute Ino was slightly envious.

"Do I just laugh when I'm Hokage?"

Ye Du rubbed the top of Aojiao Ino's head angrily.

"Of course it's ridiculous, how can Hokage be a big radish.

The arrogant Ino made a face at Ye Du.

“Ye Du actually takes care of it... 99’

Hinata next to her felt a little unimaginable, but Ye Du in her memory has always been very

Also very sincere.

Moreover, he has always been cold to himself, and he is also lukewarm to that Ino.

It's still the current Ye Du, Hinata once again hugged Ye Du's arm affectionately.

Even if she has a heart, this Ye Du is the Ye Du she wants to like.

"Ye Du, are you in a relationship with... Ino?"

Calling another person by his own name made the cute Ino look a little weird.

Still, she mustered up the courage to ask.

Because of the intimacy between Ino and Ye Du, the behavior was so natural.

It's like they've known each other for a long time.

4.8 Ino also glanced at him with a complicated look, and in front of him, he was full of doting breath.

The other world's own is too conservative, and it is also too weak. Seeing this one puncher crying for a long time, Ino can't accept it.

"very nice."

After hearing the reply of this Ino dressed in a luscious outfit, the cute Ino said the word "good" unconsciously.

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