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Chapter Five Hundred and Forty-Nine Steps (3/4)

"The toads here don't seem to be very friendly."

"Are you the Konoha ninja who took the Book of Vermillion Moon?"

This toad fairy is also a little weird, it looks quite capable, and it doesn't feel old-fashioned at all.

"That's right!"

Ye Du carried the Book of Vermillion Moon in his hand to Immortal Toad.

"Vortex Ye Du?"

Immortal Toad glanced suspiciously at Ye Du in front of him.

"No, no, you are not the Ye Du of this world..."

Although their personalities are different, their predictive ability is no different from the toad fairy in the original world.

"Anyway, I hope you can use this Book of Vermillion Moon to defeat the masked man in 113."

Immortal Toad glanced at Ye Du to the left and Ye Du to the right, then suddenly shook his head and sighed.

"What's wrong!"

After seeing the other party's strange expression and shaking his head and sighing, Ye Du asked something strange.

"It's nothing, you are indeed the one who can defeat the masked man, but..."

The toad fairy jumped back to his seat.

"You will die in this world!"

It made its own predictions.

Ye Du was about to continue his question, but Immortal Toad had already released the reverse psychic technique on him. With a "bang", Ye Du's figure disappeared above the Toad Hall in Miaomu Mountain.

After regaining his senses again, Ye Du returned to the forest in the Country of Grass.

The Book of Vermillion Moon was still in his hands, and the Toad Immortal seemed to just want to take a look at him, so he used the psychic technique to bring him to Miaomu Mountain.

And the prophecy of death.

"The content of the toad fairy's prophecy in this world is really unambiguous..."

Ye Du has absolutely no idea why the toad fairy gave him the prophecy of death.

No matter what, I can't die.

"Attack Konoha, now Konoha only has five generations of Hokage Tsunade, while Ye Du, Kakashi and others are all performing missions outside the village. 39

Madara Uchiha's phantom quietly appeared beside the masked man again.

"You are really insane.

The masked man has now (bfei) complete control over the power of the nine-tailed beast.

"However, it's time for me to try this mighty power.

Looking at the pair of reincarnation eyes under the other's mask, even Madara Uchiha, who was just projected on this world, felt a palpitating feeling.

This guy is probably stronger than me now.

However, I will also be able to gain this powerful force right away, and it is still in the real world.

Unexpectedly, Konoha's current defensive barrier has rotted to this level.

The masked man walked into Konoha from the front door swaggeringly as if he was walking into his own back garden.

"What a rambunctious village.

The masked man's tone seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied.

"It seems that this is not what you like!"

Madara Uchiha's phantom has also been following in the footsteps of the masked man.

He always felt that the other party had a very similar feeling to him.

But he knew who the other party really was.

"The way I like it?"

The figure of the masked man stopped abruptly after hearing Uchiha Madara's words.

"You have seen the village I lead!


"You'll see it soon."

The masked man laughed gloomily, and then continued to move forward.

"People who have won this limited monthly reading will have the strongest desire in their hearts when the world is formed, but the direction and development after this world is beyond my ability to decide. 35

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