Looking at Madara Uchiha, who was still expanding, Kakashi couldn't describe the strangeness and speechlessness in his heart in words.

Originally, the previous battle was far beyond what ordinary ninjas could intervene.

Now even more, the era of ninjas has passed, is it the era of immortals now?

Kakashi also wants to go to Miaomushan to learn magic.

"Is that the one?"

Madara Uchiha's body swelled and turned into a strange woman with white clothes and white hair.

"This chakra is really desperately strong. 99

But even so, Kai's face did not show timidity. 15

He was already ready to open the door of death for Konoha at any time.

"Wait, Kai, Ye Du and Sasuke said that we don't need our intervention for the time being.""

Kakashi stopped Kai in front of him.


Kai nodded, and then his face gradually became as serious as the others.

Because the woman in white who appeared in the distance seemed to be quite consistent with the six-path fairy recorded in the legend—the monster in the story.

"Mom, you are finally resurrected..."

Hei Jue looked at Kaguya Otsutsuki who had successfully appeared in front of him. If he could cry, he would definitely be shedding tears now.

It took thousands of years, thousands of years, to finally achieve its wish to resurrect its mother.

"You are?

Kaguya, who has just been resurrected, has not yet remembered, what is this dark thing?

"Mom, I was born to you!"

Hei Jue turned into a puddle of black mud, and then jumped towards Kaguya Otsutsuki's body with joy.

"Go! Sasuke!

However, at the moment when the mother and son recognized each other with warmth, Ye Du and Sasuke had already planned an extermination plan for Hei Jue.

"Heavenly Hands!"

Just when Hei Jue was about to fall on Kaguya, Sasuke used the power of the sky to transfer Kaguya's body instantly.


At the same time, Ye Du, who was in instant mode, just came to Hei Jue.

He was full of joy and wanted to pounce on his mother's Hei Jue, but he didn't expect Ye Du's hard black stick to be waiting for it.

"And this, I'm giving it to you too.""

After piercing Hei Jue's body with a black stick, Ye Du's body also drilled out a lot of golden chains and pierced into Hei Jue's body, and then tied the other party's whole body.

"You, what are you going to do!? A mere kid, just a pawn under my hand.",

"You're really disgusting enough to contaminate my King Kong blockade..."

Ye Du lifted Hei Jue's body, and then took out a special scroll from the ninja bag.


The black chains gradually replaced the golden ones, and Hei Jue's body was gradually sucked into this scroll.


Hei Jue knew that Kaguya was the only one who could save it now.

"I remember!"

Kaguya Otsutsuki finally remembered that something dark and unsustainable was the product she left behind.

Although she was sent to a far place by Sasuke's heavenly hand, the long white hair on her body started to grow in an instant, and stretched towards Ye Du and Hei Jue's bodies as if they could.

Seeing the white hair coming almost instantly, Ye Du had to stop the progress of the seal and prepare to deal with Kaguya's long hair attack.


Sasuke used Susanoo again, and used Susanoo's huge body to display Chidori with black flames.

"Mom, be careful!

Although Hei Jue had already fallen into Ye Du's seal, after seeing Sasuke's powerful attack, he couldn't help but remind him.

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