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Chapter 588 The Final Fantasy (2/4)

The atmosphere in the command center fell into an eerie silence.

Officer Xiao Zhao in the crowd saw that the atmosphere was too tense, so he said, "Maybe he doesn't come out because the weather is too hot."

However, he immediately found that no one cared about him, so he calmed down and did not speak.

Just as everyone was watching, an unremarkable coffin suddenly emerged from the ground. Although there are no gorgeous special effects, this bizarre scene instantly made everyone who saw it horrified.

Soon, the lid of the coffin was lifted directly, and a middle-aged man with long hair reaching his waist walked out.

"Is...is that him?" Chen Huijie said with an ugly face.

I don't know if it's a psychological reason, but across the screen, I feel that this mysterious man exudes a terrifying aura.

"The tank troops go over to see first, don't attack rashly, first try to see if they can communicate. Chen Huijie said, reaching out and grabbing Li Zhishui's hand next to her, hoping that this will make the girl next to her not afraid.

Li Zhishui felt Chen Huijie's trembling hand and covered her with his backhand.

"Okay~". "Zhou Pu calmly shouted into the walkie-talkie: "Tank troops, try to approach, don't open fire yet. 35

Soon, more than 30 tanks with a weight of 24 tons drove towards the spot where the spot appeared.

"He looks like a human being." Shi Zhiya said with doubt: "I really can't imagine how to fight these mechanical monsters.

On the screen, Ban clearly had no intention of negotiating. He just wanted to take revenge on Li Zhishui earlier. Looking at these strange things that suddenly appeared, Ban sneered: "It's really your character, you actually sent these boring things here. Provoking me, let you see it! 99

After speaking, Madara directly formed a seal with both hands and said calmly: "The fire will be extinguished!"

A burst of overwhelming flame spewed out of Madara's mouth.

In an instant, the drivers of all the tanks only felt that there was a sea of ​​fire in the visible range, and they couldn't see anything at all.

"Attack!" Chen Huijie in the command room gave up her final fantasy and ordered directly.

"No! He disappeared!" Zhou Pu said in disbelief.

"Let it stop attacking!" Shi Zhiya suddenly pointed at the destroyer on a small screen next to her and shouted.

I saw that the muzzle of the car was facing, and on the tank destroyer where Madara was standing, Madara, who had just disappeared, was standing.

Madara was carrying a huge fan behind her back, with her arms folded, and one foot on the tank destroyer's four-meter-long barrel.

"." It's too late!" Zhou Pu said desperately.

Madara on the screen directly kicked the muzzle of the tank destroyer 90 degrees.

At this time, the destroyer's anti-tank gun also shot out directly, attacking the destroyer next to it.

Bang tom!

There was a huge explosion, and the attacked annihilation vehicle was pushed out more than ten meters by the huge explosion, and collided with another annihilation vehicle.

At this time, another annihilation vehicle found the right time, aimed the muzzle at Madara, and shot the anti-tank gun instantly.

"Nice job!" Shi Zhiya couldn't help shouting.

In the eyes of everyone looking forward to it, Madara grabbed the fan behind her with her right hand and swung it violently, colliding with the incoming anti-tank gun.

"Boom!" There was a huge explosion, and a huge amount of dust rose from the ground.

The destroyer succeeded in one hit, and adjusted the muzzle again to attack.

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