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Chapter Five Hundred and Ninety-Three Is Quite Scared (3/4)

Compared with the size of the blue giant, the opening of the hole is only about the size of a sesame seed, but it makes the blue giant change from a flying posture to a standing posture.

Obviously, he was quite afraid of the black hole that suddenly appeared, and changed his calmness from the beginning.

At this time, Li Zhishui was already in the state of Kaguya Otsutsuki, with pale skin and long blue-white hair, two horns on his head, a white coat with a jade pattern, his eyes were white eyes, and there was a Samsara on his forehead. Write round eyes.

Li Zhishui didn't like this coat very much, because it made people feel that he was flat.

Ban stared at Li Zhishui who suddenly appeared, his expression became grim: "You are finally here!"

Li Zhishui grinned and said, "My nephew, the first time we met in another world was too indifferent."

"Go to hell!" Madara Uchiha roared angrily, completely body Susanoo holding two swords, he made a cross in the sky and slashed fiercely towards Li Zhishui who suddenly appeared. Li Zhishui didn't mean to touch him at all, and he retreated directly into Huangquan Hirazaka, disappearing in place.

Although Li Zhishui escaped the attack, the ground behind him was directly split into a huge ravine several hundred meters.

Everyone in the command room opened their mouths wide. Although they already knew that this black giant was very strong, the strength displayed now has made everyone's heads panic.

I finally understood why Hei Jue said that if the battle situation is good, he only needs to pay the price of destroying a city.

In the battlefield, Li Zhishui opened a door from another place, stretched out half of his body, put his hand on his chin, and said with a chuckle, "It's really scary, now the children are one by one in the monster style and the pillar between the two. Also~". 99

Madara calmed down after wielding a sword. Although the aunt in front of her looked unreliable, she was someone who had been operating the Uchiha clan behind the scenes since before the Warring States Period began.

It has also harmed the powerhouses of an era, and her old enemy Qianshou Hasuma has also been tame and obedient by her, and turned into a fool.

Although Hasuma claimed to be convinced by her advanced ideas, she shouted comrade, comrade. But the Qianshou clan was beaten out of the map by her with the Uchiha clan, and they all planned to use the wooden dug to build a ship to go to sea, which is believed to be the main reason.

In addition to venting his anger, the attack under his anger will not activate any effect, but will reveal flaws.

"Have you calmed down?" Li Zhishui said with a smile: ".〃 Actually, I have always been quite puzzled, I treat you very well, your mother left early, and it was almost me who brought you up, why are you doing this? hate me.35

After Li Zhishui opened his mouth, he had already calmed down, and his face became grim again.

"Well, in fact, I probably know that when you wanted to go out to play, in order not to attract the attention of others (to get money, Zhao), I dressed you in women's clothes for your safety. 55

Li Zhishui continued to shrug and said, "After all, no one would have thought that the young masters of the Uchiha clan would run out in pink cherry blossom kimonos and rouge. Isn't it normal to change genders in a ninja?

"Shut up!" The complete body behind Madara Susanoo swung the two swords in his hands desperately again, with a posture that would not stop until Li Zhishui was smashed into pieces.

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