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Chapter 601 Doing Nothing (3/4)

Best of all, you can play a dozen games and watch cartoons in a small window.

With Li Shui's strength, it was a girl with long silver hair in a white dress holding a doll and a brother with short hair. Ye Du really didn't see much interest in these boring things.

These two idle guys go out every day, and then appear in the temporary cafeteria on time at mealtime. Life is an abnormal law.

"193" made Chen Huijie think that the two were working for reconstruction, and was very moved. Only Li Shangshui knew that the two of them were simply doing nothing.

In order to understand the knowledge of this world, Xiaonan has learned to use mobile phones, and is studying the knowledge of this world seriously every day.

But every time Ye Du passed by, Xiao Nan would put down the phone, which made Ye Du not know what she was watching every day.

So why did his ninja army fall into the hands of a powerful enemy after arriving in this world, but inexplicably abolished.

The direct consequence is that Ye Du's current subordinates are only Orochimaru and Hei Jue who are serious about doing things. As for Bai Jue, Li really doesn't seem very smart, so she asked her to follow Hei Jue to collect intelligence.

"Hey, the team is getting worse and worse, it's not a crime of war." Ye Du sighed. At this time, the ghost's three-wheeled motorcycle drove past Ye Du again. It's hard to hold back and not throw a begging jade in the past.

I can only comfort myself, my ninja army was too nervous in the previous world, and now it is understandable to relax and appear lazy.

At this time, the door of the office behind them was opened, and Chen Huijie and Jiaodu, together with some staff members, came out.

But what made Ye Du's expression weird was that the gloomy Jiaodu was talking and laughing with Shi Zhiya, as if they had seen each other late.

Jiaodu and Shizhiya have a huge difference in height, and their temperament is even more different, but they really enjoyed talking and went to Shizhiya's office together.

Chen Huijie looked unhappy when she saw Ye Du sitting outside alone.

There was a hint of shame in my heart, I was too busy recently, and I forgot the feeling of this weak girl who was always by my side and never gave up no matter how dangerous it was.

He walked up a few steps and sat down beside Ye Du...

He smiled and said, "What do you think?"

"I'm thinking that this world is really scary." Ye Du said with vicissitudes.

Chen Huijie's face suddenly turned red, she felt as if she understood what Ye Du meant, turned her head and looked into Ye Du's eyes and said, "Don't worry, I will always be by your side to protect you.

At this time, on the other side, in the temporary dormitory, Feng Yan said to Li Si next to him: "Is there a mistake? The school has been bombed, and the online class is still on time."9

Li Si sighed, such a big thing happened, I don't know what happened to my sister, I must be very busy, and I don't have time to find myself.

Feng Yan had just taken a shower, her hair was wet on her shoulders, she was wiping her body with a white bath towel, Li Si frowned and glanced, stretched out her hand and made a scratching motion, saying uncertainly. : "Xiaoyan, why does it seem like you are getting bigger?

Feng Yan said with a happy expression: "It seems that rubbing every day is really effective.

"Hey, you're not even 15 years old, what are you thinking about every day?" Li Si glanced at his only best friend with contempt.

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