I, Lord Of The Void, Join The Chat Group

Chapter 603 Base Camp Construction (1/4)

In the Security Bureau, in the conference room of the temporary base, Chen Huijie looked at the documents handed in.

He said to Ye Du with excitement: "I really blame the black organization!"

He said and pointed to the quotation: "Look, they only need us to provide construction materials and machinery, and the two parts, which account for the bulk of labor costs and greening, are all-inclusive, and the quotation is only about two-thirds of our own construction. .35

"When the black-clothed organization first proposed to contract the reconstruction project, they thought they wanted to make a profit from it, and they were already ready to make some profits. I didn't expect such a conscience, this price is completely at a loss for voluntary labor! It seems that they are using C City as their home base for construction.

Ye Du stood aside with a smile on his face, if it wasn't for Jiao Du to tell him in detail, he would never have thought that the profit in this would be so terrifying.

Take greening as an example, in a city, the price of a tree is 3,000 Xiazhou coins. Although the unit price is high, how many trees does a city need.

As for Bai Jue, who knows how to escape from wood, although he can’t fight, it is definitely worth a lot of money to do landscaping. Then, the traditional method of ground excavation requires a lot of cost and time. a few seconds.

There is nothing more suitable for infrastructure construction than the mass-produced Baijue, and they are not tired, and they are quite happy to do things.

It turned out that building infrastructure was the only way out for the Bai Jue Army, Ye Du finally realized.

As for the quotation, it is only two-thirds of the market price. This is the idea of ​​Jiaodu. It is cheaper for the first time, and it will be convenient to discuss cooperation in the future. There is no such thing as robbing a bank to make money.

At this moment, Chen Huijie's cell phone rang suddenly, and when she took it out, she found that it was an unfamiliar number. After being connected, Chen Huijie listened to it for a while, then handed it to Ye Du next to her and said, "Your sister called~".

"Huh?" Ye Du was stunned at first, then immediately reacted, took the phone and put it to his ear. Chen Huijie's face was strange, Xiao Zhishui would not forget that she still has a sister-in-law.

"Sister." Li Si's timid voice came from the phone. Although Li Si felt that her sister loved her because she was the only relative of her sister in the world, in fact, the two have only met twice. It still feels a little lively to speak.

"Well, Li Si, how are you doing recently, my sister has been busy so I didn't see you, I'm sorry." Ye Du said softly.

"No, it's fine." Hearing her sister's magnetic voice, Li Si's face flushed, and she looked at Feng Yan, who was also blushing as he listened to his words, took a deep breath and told his troubles He came out: "Sister, we met two classmates who had been in the gang and wanted to trouble us.

"A gang member?" Ye Du frowned, and the information collected from the mass-produced Bai Jue had confirmed that the largest unofficial organization in Xiazhou was now his own organization in black.

And he suddenly found his sister, which made Ye Du wonder if it was a conspiracy against him.

"Well." Li Si continued: "His name is Lu Ren, and he claims to be a member of the Heaven and Earth Society.

"Tiandihui?" Ye Du felt that the name was a little familiar, so he gently comforted: "I know, don't worry, I will help you solve it."5

"Well, thank you sister." Li Si hung up the phone with a blushing face.

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