I, Lord Of The Void, Join The Chat Group

Chapter 606 Momentary Embarrassment (4/4)

Lu Ren really stretched out his hand, stopped the boy, and said to Li Si, "I'm still the same as Lu Ren. I don't mind playing with you. If there's not enough time, I'll give you some more time."

"Hey, Lu Ren, they're all high school students, can you be more mature!" Li Si covered her mouth awkwardly. After talking to her sister, she didn't panic at all. The classmates in front of her really made her feel ashamed.

"Hmph, I'll let you understand, my deer "Twenty Zero" Ren never speaks empty words." Lu Ren closed his eyes and said at this moment, a police car stopped not far away, Ye Du and Chen Huijie After getting out of the car, Li Si's face lit up with joy, holding Feng Yan's hand behind him, and walking to Ye Du in a few steps.

Feng Yan next to him suddenly summoned up his courage and shouted with a blushing face, "Sister.

Li Si was stunned, this guy actually hit his sister's idea without waiting for her to react.

"Well, Xiao Si." Ye Du touched Feng Yan's head with a gentle face, and said distressedly: "The change is quite big, it's hard to study."

The scene was a little embarrassing for a moment, Li Si opened his mouth and looked confused.

"Haha, just kidding." Ye Du smiled, turned his head and touched Li Si's head, and said, "How could my elder sister forget you, you are all thin.

"Uh." Li Si said with red eyes: "Sister, I haven't worked part-time recently, and I've gained a few pounds."

"For elders, looking at children will make you feel thinner." Ye Du said with a serious face.

"Really?" Li Si looked suspicious, her sister wouldn't really forget her, right?

"Of course, you are my favorite sister." Ye Du said with a smile: "By the way, let's solve your troubles first.

"Well." Li Si immediately told Ye Du the matter like a child telling his parents. And Lu Ren and the group of high school students saw the police car, and then walked down from the two beauties of the country and the city.

Instinctively, they all took a few steps back, and the people behind had started to leave slowly. Lu Ren and Ye Du had a good relationship, but they also walked away for a while, as if they were not very familiar with Lu Ren.

And Ye Du came over with Li Si holding hands.

Li Si said proudly: "This is my sister, if you are afraid, leave quickly!"

"Hmph." Lu Ren continued to hold on and said, "The three generations of my family have all worked for the Black side, and my grandfather has participated in the research on the atomic bomb, so don't mess with me...""

"Puchi..." Chen Huijie, who was standing behind her, was obviously amused by the child.

As for Ye Du, it's impossible to really beat the high school students, there are ghost sharks to beat them, but I don't know where she went, and she hasn't been seen yet.

Chen Huijie immediately saw Ye Du's embarrassment and said with a smile, "I'll come."

After he finished speaking, he took out his phone and called police officer Xiao Zhao and said something.

About ten minutes later, a middle-aged man rushed over from a distance.

Feng Yan next to him whispered: "It's the grade director, Lu Ren's father.

The middle-aged man gasped heavily, ran to Chen Huijie and Ye Du, and said to them uncertainly, "May I ask who is Miss Chen."

"I am." Chen Huijie 4.8 said with a smirk.

"Hello, hello, what can I do for you?" The middle-aged man didn't dare to extend his hand, just nodded and bowed.

"Well, that's it. Chen Huijie held back her laughter and took out her certificate, showed it to the middle-aged man, and then said: "I am from the National Security Bureau, and now this classmate Lu Ren reported that the three generations of your family are all for the black. side to do things.

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