I, Lord Of The Void, Join The Chat Group

Chapter 613 Popularization (3/4)

"Oh." Ye Du nodded seriously.

Chen Huijie was also very happy to see Ye Du listened to her carefully, and expressed her innocent thoughts hidden in her heart.

"From the perspective of the data model, there are many planets with the same environment as the earth, so there will be planets where life is born. So when I was very young, when I looked at the sky, I felt that there must be aliens in this world. ""

Chen Huijie felt that her words were a bit naive, but she was very happy and was able to share her childhood imagination with Ye Du, and said with a blushing face: "So I think aliens should become human-like and hide among humans.

After finishing speaking, he turned his eyes to Ye Du and said in a terrifying tone: "So Xiao Zhishui, you have to pay attention, maybe there are aliens hidden around you." Then he waited for Ye Du to show a look of fear.

Ye Du tilted his head and smiled, although Comrade Xiao Chen's request was very strange, but Grandma will still satisfy you.

This also happens to solve the problem of the popularity of their own white mask.

And Chen Huijie saw that Ye Du didn't seem to be frightened by herself, she was a little disappointed, she casually spread her hands and said: "Xiao Zhishui seems to be a little scared, I was so scared that I couldn't sleep early~". ""

"Ah? Aliens hide among humans, isn't this common sense, why should you be afraid." Ye Du said innocently.

"What?!" Chen Huijie looked confused, why did she have such common sense.

"Well, although I have lost my memory, I still remember that the work of the Black Organization includes destroying aliens and protecting human beings." Ye Du said with a questionable expression.

"Xiao, Xiao Zhishui, you are so humorous." Chen Huijie's face was a little ugly.

"Really?" Ye Du tilted his head and looked at Chen Huijie suspiciously.

This expression made Chen Huijie feel uncertain and said, "Wait a while."

Then he stumbled out, and when he came to the open space downstairs, he immediately found the ghost shark who was "chudding".

"Miss Ghost Shark, are there any aliens in this world?"

The ghost shark looked at Chen Huijie with a strange expression. Her strange gaze made Chen Huijie relieved, but fortunately it was fake.

The ghost shark did speak: "A lot of aliens have turned into human beings, isn't this common sense?

"Wait, wait!" Chen Huijie covered her forehead, calmed herself down first, and then said: 〃Miss Ghost Shark, do we have some deviations in the definition of aliens.

At this time, Itachi, who was sitting next to the tricycle, gently closed the old-fashioned computer in his hand, stood up, and said, "Come with me.

"Ah?" Chen Huijie glanced strangely, the cold-faced loli with a strange personality, nodded and said, "Okay.

The ghost shark next to him also followed behind with a tricycle.

The three quickly came to a temporary gathering area, and before Chen Huijie could ask questions, Itachi pointed directly to an ordinary middle-aged man who was smoking in the corner, and said, "This is an alien. "

"Ah?" Chen Huijie looked confused, looking at the ordinary middle-aged man squatting there, she couldn't see any difference from ordinary people.

With a strange face, he asked Itachi: "You, are you sure about Shin?

Ghost Shark didn't wait for Itachi to answer, he put down his motorcycle and walked towards the middle-aged man.

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