I, Lord Of The Void, Join The Chat Group

Chapter 620 No Interest in Participating (2/4)

"As for Feiduan, he didn't read it carefully at all, and just filled it in. Of course, there are many militants who have checked it, including the ghost shark."

"In the end, this guy gave it completely for nothing.

"Why not, let's have a bet on whether Miss Hasama and Tobirama can successfully complete the mission.

The ghost shark grinned and said: "Since he is the god of ninjas, even if he loses his power, he can't be underestimated. I will crush him~.

Jiao Du heard that there was money to be made, so he was no longer sleepy, and after thinking carefully, he said, "I'm going to hold the pillars and Tobirama.

Itachi spread his hands and expressed no interest in participating.

In the white room, everyone hurriedly grabbed their weapons before the countdown, and the whole body began to sink, and when they reappeared, they were already on the street.

"Who knows where this is?" Chen Huijie frowned as she looked at the unfamiliar Xie Dao around her.

Gu Ziyue walked to the side of the road and observed the street signs for a while, then frowned and said, "This is the stuff of Neon Kingdom."

"Neon Country?" Shi Zhiya asked strangely.

Gu Ziyue pointed to the building not far away and said: "That is the Tokyo Tower, and the explanations of these street signs are all the streets of Tokyo.

"So, we were sent directly to Kyoto from Xiazhou?" Chen Huijie said with a frown. At this moment, Tobirama, who had been silent, said, "Can you briefly describe what kind of country the Neon Kingdom is.

Chen Huijie glanced strangely at the serious middle-aged man, frowned and asked, "Where are you from?"

"We came to Konoha Village." Tobirama had no plans to hide.

"Muye Village?" Chen Huijie nodded, no wonder even the Neon Kingdom didn't know it, it seemed to be a remote mountain village with no information.

Chen Huijie briefly explained the concept of geography.

Hearing Tobirama frowned, and looked at Hashima behind him. With their IQs, they immediately understood that this was not their own world, but they didn't make a sound.

Chen Huijie looked at the beautiful girl behind him, and asked kindly, "This is..."

"This is my sister, Hasuma." Tobirama introduced.

"Uh." Chen Huijie glanced at the beautiful girl who was only 17 or 18 years old, and then glanced at Tobirama, who was in her 40s.

At this time, Shi Zhiya, who was next to him, came up and whispered: "People who often do farm work will look older.


Compared to Tobirama, who was a little gloomy, Hasuma looked much brighter, showed a hearty smile, held Chen Huijie's hand, and said, "In short, we are teammates, we must help each other in this strange place, don't worry, I will not leave our companions behind.

A hearty smile, inexplicably gives people a feeling that this person is trustworthy.


Gu Ziyue, who was next to him, went to look around, then walked back and said with a frown, "There is no one around, and the windows of the room cannot be opened.

"In short, let's go around and have a look." Chen Huijie held the pistol in her hand and made a posture ready to shoot at any time.

Others are holding katana swords presented in the white space.

At this moment, a pink creature with long ears suddenly floated over from the intersection ahead.

"Kyuubi!" Shi Zhiya lowered her voice and shouted.

Several people immediately made combat moves, and Hasuma stood directly in front of the team with two swords in his hands.

"Hey!" Chen Huijie was stunned for a moment and whispered, "I'm a policeman, you go to the back." Jiu.

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