I, Lord Of The Void, Join The Chat Group

Chapter 622 Unexpected encounters (4/4)

"Does this still need to be checked, this is already able to speak!" Shi Zhiya pointed at the corpse on the ground with a bewildered face.

Gu Ziyue, who was next to him, pushed his glasses and said, "You have seen creatures that can talk."

"Well, I did see it." Hasumi nodded.

"If I'm not wrong." Gu Ziyue suddenly said, "They came to a world with a different worldview from ours.

These words made everyone around him quiet down, and everyone present felt a horrific feeling in their hearts.

"We have to go out." 15 Chen Huijie said with a gloomy face: "Before I lost consciousness, Xiao Zhishui was beside me, and I suspect that she will also encounter accidents."

At this time, Yu Jian, who had a hearty smile on his face, suddenly changed his face when he heard the name Xiao Zhishui.

"What's wrong with you?" The strangeness of the column immediately made the people around him frown.

"No, it's fine." Hasuma's beautiful face turned pale for a while, and after staggering a few times before standing up, he said, "I feel like I have forgotten something terrible."

"Anyway, let's explore this strange place first." Chen Huijie was a little apprehensive about this sister and brother, but she didn't look like a bad guy. At this stage, having one more powerful ally is definitely a good choice to improve the survival rate.

Everyone quickly formed a team. Tobirama walked in the front of the main tank, Hashima was at the side to pick up the monsters at any time, Chen Huijie used a pistol to provide fire support, Gu Ziyue bandaged the injured, and Shi Zhiya was the mascot. This is how the standard exploration team is formed.

A few people took a few steps forward carefully and found that there was no difference between the building and the real world except that there were no people.

"Are we in a world in a mirror or something?" Shi Zhiya said suddenly. I often see this setting in some novels.

"Quiet." Chen Huijie said angrily.

"Oh..." Shi Zhiya shrugged.

The distance of several hundred meters that everyone explored forward again.

"The map here is exactly the same as the map of Kyoto." Gu Ziyue suddenly began to say.

"What do you mean?" It was Tobirama who was walking in front. Along the way, they had communicated with Chen Huijie and the others about the situation outside, and they probably knew what kind of world they came to.

It was a world with very weak physical strength, no extraordinary abilities on the bright side, and a very deformed scientific development.

"Prove that this is not a prank." Gu Ziyue said seriously: "The streets we walked all the way did not repeat the buildings, and the roads were the same as the road signs on the map just now."

"As far as I know, there is no country or power in the world that can build high-quality imitation buildings of this scale. Perhaps the gods mentioned by the light ball are real, not those illusory things. 35 Chen Huijie muttered. Said: "God, that is omnipotent?

"No, it should be a life that is one dimension higher than us, perhaps to achieve some purpose of his own." Gu Ziyue analyzed carefully: "Tokyo was separated by some force.

Shi Zhiya next to him said: "Why do I feel more like some kind of RPG game, such as picking up a prop on the street. 35

Saying that, a few people turned around an intersection, and suddenly saw something similar to a magic wand placed in front of them.

"I can really pick up the props! This is too rough!" Shi Zhiya pointed at the magic wand on the ground with a confused expression.

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