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Chapter 647 Psychological Preparation (1/4)

Godzilla immediately spotted Itachi standing beneath him, apparently possessing some kind of sentience. Of course Ye Du wouldn't tell these ninjas, in order to better obtain experimental data.

In the biological experiment, Orochimaru added the perception of chakra to the monster, and the perception of objects that can fly high and produce air friction.

That's why Godzilla can sense the medium-range guide in advance, and lift a jet to hit it!

Godzilla let out a roar and took a deep breath.

Oops! It's going to use its breath again!" The man in the command room called 15 with a pale face.

Sure enough, the roaring Godzilla slammed open, and a beam of 100 meters in diameter shot out directly. Although there will be a pre-casting shake, the speed of the spit is really fast, and the diameter is big enough that Itachi has no time to dodge.

"Boom!" There was a huge explosion, and all the constructions in front of them evaporated instantly as if they were covered with paper.

A few hundred meters in front of Godzilla, the person who was directly blasted out an oval deep pit of more than ten meters and came out of the command room was already mentally prepared.

But when I saw Godzilla's earth breath attack at close range, my face was still black and I couldn't speak, and I prayed that the power user in Xiazhou would be fine. In the deep pit after evaporation, Itachi knelt on one knee on the ground, panting heavily.

There were blood and tears in both eyes, and the orange-red Susanoo spread out immediately.

Itachi's Susanoo took Godzilla's breath hard, but the consumption was too great.

Susanoo, who jumped up to reach Godzilla's knees, didn't do much except for Fei Chakra, so Itachi turned it off after resisting the attack.

After Godzilla finished breathing, he suddenly hugged his body with both hands and slammed his feet on the ground. The huge reaction force made the 60,000-ton fat man jump up.

Godzilla rotated 180 degrees in the air, straight down behind his back, and descended toward the hole where his breath had just spewed out.

In an instant, the ground shook, and the headquarters several kilometers away felt as if the ground shook.

"This monster can actually make up for it!" Murakami Miyaji's face turned black.

Godzilla's fighting style completely subverted everyone's cognition of big monsters and stupidity, and its flexibility and fighting awareness even surpassed professionally trained warriors.

"The fighting instinct of creatures is really scary." Ye Du smiled and looked at the screen, wondering if he wanted to develop a monster army.

However, these monsters are not easy to control, and energy consumption is also a big problem.

In the battlefield, on the roof of a distant building, Xiao Nan fell.

At the same time, he threw the two packages wrapped in white paper on the ground.

It was the shark-girl ghost shark and the ugly-looking Itachi who were thrown a few hundred meters away by Godzilla's tail.

"Its perception range for 257 chakras is about 500 meters!" Itachi said with a dark face.

"Well." Xiao Nan nodded: "Its breath also has a usage interval, and more information is needed for the specific interval. 55

The ghost shark wiped off the bloodstain on his mouth recently, and released the fit form with the shark muscle.

"Miss Zhishui really created an incredible guy.

Godzilla's fighting style is indeed very restrained by ghost sharks.

Xiao Nan also spread out his hands, obviously it was a question whether her paper escape could break the defense.

At this time, Itachi is only about 14 years old due to physical reasons, and there is nothing he can do about this size of Goth.


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