Hasakuma's eyes turned to Madara, who was sitting next to him, with an extremely gloomy face. She felt that her educational level should be similar to his own, so she didn't ask.

Only then did he look at the ghost shark sitting behind him, and found that she was looking at the question seriously.

So he turned around and said with a smile: "I am very familiar with the old man of the first generation of water shadow white lotus. 99

"Well, what's the matter with Mr. Hasuma?" Ghost Shark said strangely with a cracked mouth.

"What do you mean by this title?" Hasuma pointed to the title on the blackboard.

"Sorry, I'm not good at this." Ghost shark said directly.

"Okay. 35 posts embarrassedly rubbed his head, can't do it, why is he looking at the question seriously.

"I'll come." Itachi said calmly.

"Wow, thank you so much, haha." Hasuma seemed very happy to be able to learn new knowledge.

The ghost shark also nodded: "The Konoha School teaches basic arithmetic knowledge."

"It seems that Konoha has developed well after I left~". Hasuma looked very happy, watching Itachi make gestures on Zhang's textbook.

The teacher in the class also found a few transfer students here, thought about it, and felt that they needed their foundation.

Just when he saw Hasuma turn around, he opened his mouth and said, "Then ask Hasuma-san to come up and answer the question, "Okay! 99

Hasashima had just finished listening to Itachi, and although he knew little about it, he still agreed.

He walked directly to the podium and wrote the formula that Itachi had just taught himself.

As soon as I finished writing, I found that the whole class was quiet and looked at me.

The math teacher glanced strangely at the smiling Hakuma, and after a while, he said, "It's good to have this confidence, but it's far from the correct answer. There is still one year left before the college entrance examination.

The ghost shark below said calmly: "How did you Uchiha clan and Qianshou clan get revenge.

"That's all from the Warring States period." Itachi said with a blank face: "But this time I really did something wrong, after all, I graduated early.

Madara, who had a cold face, looked at the embarrassed expression on his face, and a schadenfreude smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this time, the teacher let Hasuma go down, and then said: "Then ask Madam to come up and answer."

In the next section, history class, this time a few people were interested.

"Unify the six kingdoms!" Hasuma said excitedly: "Is this similar to what we were at that time, but the second life died." Banana looked at the textbook and said seriously.

〃Civilization!" Hashimama said seriously: "Look at the history of this country for thousands of years, I think this is their ancestor, do you still remember which country we belonged to thousands of years ago?"

"Yeah." Madara nodded.

Hasuma stood up with a swish, said with a smile, "I know some medical skills and need my help in treatment. Of course, in the end, I didn't ask Hasma to help with the treatment, it was still a language class.

After the two classes were over, it entered a slightly longer recess in the middle.

Hasuma smiled and looked at Madara (who had paid money): "Hey, I didn't expect you to have a talent for language. The teacher's expression just now was obviously surprised by you."

"It's just that you are too uneducated. Madara said coldly.

"As expected of the novelist Ye Du's nephew, this is a talent." Hasuma said with a smile.

Madara's face turned cold, and he directly picked up the pen in his hand and stabbed at the column.

Although Hasuma lost his strength, but his hand was not weak, the two immediately moved their hands while sitting still.

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