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Chapter 667 Blind Spot Throwing (1/4)

A small figure was sitting there, holding a few kunai in his hands.

Sasuke jumped directly behind her and fell.

The figure did not look back, but with a wave of his hand, Kunwu nailed the red heart in the target, "Kunai can use the enemy's perspective and throw it in the blind spot. 39

After speaking, he turned around and said, "But you should be better than me now, brother.

"Yes, brother." A rare smile appeared on Sasuke's face.

Itachi stretched out his hand and wanted to tap Sasuke's forehead, but he was embarrassed to find that he was not tall enough, so he retracted his hand as if nothing had happened, and said, "Do you have anything to ask?"9

"Brother, you and I seemed to put 15 water in the final battle." Sasuke said suddenly. "Sasuke, be more confident." Itachi said calmly: "Take off the seeming. "5

The corner of Sasuke's mouth twitched, why is this brother different from the style he remembered.

"By the way, I'm married, and your niece's name is Zoryana."

"Well, I've already met a very energetic girl. 35 Itachi said calmly.

"Yeah." Sasuke responded and put his hand on the Kusanagi sword at his waist.

"What do you want?" Itachi said with narrowed eyes.

"Although I don't know whose conspiracy is, I will let you rest in peace." Sasuke's eyes turned into reincarnation eyes: "Don't worry, we are all living well.

The loud noise of "Boom!" sounded in Konoha Village, and the orange-red and blue Susanoo appeared at the same time in the village that had been peaceful for too long.

While the Uchiha family and Uchiha Mizu were discussing the issue of the release of the first version of the figure, a jolt behind him instantly entered the nine-tailed mode.

"Don't produce tentacles!" After speaking, he disappeared in place.

After a few jumps, we arrived at Uchiha's station. In addition to the mess, there was Itachi in Akatsuki's uniform who pushed Sasuke under a tree with his hands.

"My stupid brother, why did you become so weak after getting married?" Itachi said coldly, "and why do you have such a move.

Sasuke looked embarrassed and turned his head away. Halfway through the beating, he realized that Itachi was not being controlled. He didn't use all his strength.

It seems that he really has not experienced high-intensity battles for too long, so he has become weaker.

"Sorry to disturb you." Naruto fell down beside him. Seeing that he was just discussing, he didn't appear rashly, and said to Itachi.

"It's convenient to explain, what's the matter, and the money you paid for last night's supper, I also paid for you.

"Naruto, it seems that you have become a good ninja." Itachi said calmly.

Naruto looked at Itachi up and down, and merged this small figure with a certain figure in his memory.

He shouted in surprise, "Are you Mr. Itachi?!"

"Yes." Itachi let go of his brother's hand and indented into his Xiaozhi 297 server: "I came back to this world at the order of Elder Ye Du.

"Hey!" Naruto covered his head and murmured, "Is Grandma Ye Du really faked her death?

"Anyway, come to my office first."

A few minutes later, in the Hokage office.

"The ninja world finally settled down, is something going to happen again?" Kakashi said with narrowed eyes.

After hearing that Uchiha Ye Du's messenger came to Konoha, Konoha high-rise, Hokage office.

"Mr. Kakashi, your words have an impact on the reputation of our former patriarch, and I will also ask our legal department to send you a lawyer's letter. Uchiha said.

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