I, Lord Of The Void, Join The Chat Group

Chapter 674 Don't Care (4/4)

The two soldiers took out their instruments and took a photo of the invitation letter for a while. After confirming that there was no problem, they let a few people in.

"Hello! It's an invitation letter, the same as our invitation." Feng Yan hurriedly pushed Ye Si next to him.

"Ah?" Ye Si also reacted at this time, and took out the invitation letter that the man handed to him from the plastic bag containing the snacks. Immediately, he felt slippery and hesitated for a while before saying, "Why are there oil stains?"

"Uh." Feng Yan turned around his head embarrassedly, and said, "I put the spicy sticks that I didn't finish in a plastic bag, I guess it wasn't sealed properly.

"Why do you put the unfinished spicy strips back in the plastic bag!" Ye Si opened his mouth and looked at the cautious look of the people in front of him, and then looked at himself, and suddenly everyone was bad. 310

"A little oil, it's not a big problem."

After finishing speaking, he picked up the invitation letter and walked carefully to the front of the two soldiers. He stretched out his hand and said, "That, soldier brother, please check it out. 35

The two soldiers looked at each other, and they had already seen two cute little girls, but they thought they were ordinary passers-by, so they didn't care.

I didn't expect to actually pull out an invitation letter. However, he still showed a kind smile, took the invitation, looked at it with his eyes, and after it was true, he said, "Please come with me."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and led the way.

(bfei) "Thank you, thank you." Feng Yan carefully followed Ye Si's hand.

"Hey! It seems to be an internal battle of the army, my sister is so powerful!" Feng Yan hugged Ye Si's hand tightly and said in a low voice.

"It looks like I haven't seen the world." Although Ye Si was also nervous to death, he still kept an expression that he had seen the wind and waves.

The two quickly entered the interior of the base, and after taking a descending ladder, they did not know how many floors they descended.

Under the leadership of the soldiers, the two came to a huge circular arena.

"This, this is too big!" Feng Yan stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded.

"Ah!" Ye Si next to him suddenly exclaimed.

The body was bumped by two people talking.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." The person who bumped into Ye Si turned his head, a foreigner with gray hair, very politely apologized to Ye Si in not very fluent Chinese.

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay." Ye Si felt that the other party was familiar, but he didn't care too much.

"Hey, that one just now, seems to be the president of Lizi Group! Feng Yan said excitedly, as if his deputy was about to die.

"Hmph, I've never seen the world." Ye Si said contemptuously, "Everyone is human, what's so exciting, let's find a place first."

Ten minutes later, the two of them were stiffly carrying a plastic bag of snacks, and they didn't dare to tilt their heads at all.

From time to time, whispered voices came from behind: "What are the identities of those two little girls, and why are they sitting among the current leaders of the five great powers."

In the command room, Ye Du looked at the screen and said, "In other words, if there is an explosion here, will the whole world be in chaos for a while?"

"Hey! Don't say such dangerous words." Chen Huijie roared, then turned to look at Zhou Pu next to him and asked, "Have the security been checked?

"Don't worry, unless it's a strange creature again." Just as Zhou Pu was about to speak, he was stopped by Chen Huijie's hand.

I asked Shi Zhiya who was on the side: "Are you ready for machine debugging and so on, it will start soon. 99

"No problem~" Shi Zhiya sat in front of the computer and said, "I'll add the teams first.


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