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Chapter 689 Weak State (3/4)

After Jiraiya changed into immortal mode, he was very embarrassed to find that he could not control Fukasaku and Shima toads through spells.

The originally fast-paced battle fell into a strange silence.

Wu stood on the clay giant's head, looked at Jiraiya below, his eyes narrowed, some couldn't understand what he was doing, so he didn't dare to attack easily.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?" Wu couldn't help asking, looking at Jirai who was also posing there.

"Toad Immortal Ginseng!" Jirai also put on a pose very embarrassedly. In the strange look of everyone, 357 suddenly appeared directly behind Wu Shi, holding a huge spiral pill in his hand.

Zilai also used the speed-up of the immortal technique to seize the moment when he was stunned by his performance, and directly burst out all his strength, throwing out a huge spiral pill that was dozens of times larger than himself.

Under such an attack, Wu used the technique of stripping away the realm, and has been reduced to ashes together with the clay giant.

After Jiraiya finished using the spiral pill, he stepped on the clay giant that was hit by the big jade spiral pill, and waved to Tsunade in the stands.

At this moment, the figure of Wu slowly walked out from the clay giant behind him.

Zilai also looked back with a confused look and looked at Wu, because the distance was too close, and he was in a weak state that had just been released from Immortal Mode.

Could it be that what he hit just now was a clone, and he couldn't help but admit that it was not in front of him.

Wu just stretched out his hand and made a gesture of the technique of stripping away the realm. He didn't really use it, but said:

"You are stronger than the mustache, but you lose. At this distance, you can't dodge the peeling technique."

"Haha!" Zilai also smiled heartily, touched the back of his head with his hand, and said, "I lost."

"Yeah." Without finishing speaking, he turned around and walked off the stage.

At the same time, on the scoreboard on the screen, Jiraiya's avatar also dimmed, and the Tukage team became 2 points. (bfei)

Both Ohnogi and Heitu narrowed their eyes, with a strange look on their faces.

"Grandpa, that was the splitting technique of Master Wu just now, right?" Hei Tu said uncertainly.

"Yes, the body and chakra can be divided equally without the need for a seal. After the division, the avatars are all entities, so in that case, they can hide in the clay." Onogi said strangely.

"And in that state, it is impossible to use the technique of stripping away the realm. 99

At this time, Jiraiya also walked over to his teammates and said embarrassingly, "Sorry, I lost the first game, as expected, the seniors from the Warring States Period were too strong.

After speaking, he turned his head to look at Orochimaru, obviously ready to be laughed at.

As a result, Aunt Snake was surprisingly gentle, without any sarcasm, and lightly patted Jiraiya on the shoulder.

"Hey! What do you mean? 35 Jirai has already prepared to be ridiculed, but the expression of Orochimaru made him feel even more uncomfortable, as if a parent was watching his own stupid son.

"It's okay." Orochimaru said with a smile: "We just need to win the next game.

"Then let me go this round." Tsunade stood up and showed a confident expression. After all, judging from the current situation, whether the opponent went to Onogi or Black Earth, he had absolutely no reason to lose.

On the other side of Tsukage, Onogi was playing, and I saw him flying to the middle of the ring, greeting Tsunade cordially.

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