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Chapter 710 Falling to the Ground (4/4)

The clothes on his body had already evaporated and disappeared in the explosion just now, the chakra armor had also disappeared, and Itachi emerged from the land not far away.

The clothes on the body did not appear messy, but the eyes had changed back to their normal shape. Obviously, all the chakras were released in the explosion just now.

"This old man!" Darui took a step forward and was held by Sandaiai's shoulders.

The explosion just now affected both of them, although they couldn't resist it as easily as Ye Du.

But because of the relatively long distance, and the fast speed of Sandai Ai, he ran a very long distance, and because of his strong body, he was not injured.

"He hasn't fallen yet." Sandai Ai said calmly: "The battle is not over yet."

"The old man is all scorched!" Darui looked strange, and now he may be able to turn around.

Itachi walked in front of Shidaiai and just wanted to stretch out his hand to check the situation.

The fourth generation Ai, who was already like black charcoal, suddenly opened his eyes, just like two white eyeballs suddenly appeared on the black charcoal.

Itachi was also stunned for a moment, and the fist of the fourth generation Ai had already swung over.

However, in terms of strength and speed, it is completely incomparable to the original one, and there is no trace of Chakra on the fist.

Itachi sank, taking advantage of his height to avoid this blow, and then retreated a distance of half a body, but the fourth generation Ai's attack did not stop there, the blow was blocked, and he immediately waved his fist. .

Itachi said nothing and reached out to take off his jacket.

However, it was not auspicious, so he rushed up like this and fought with the fourth generation of AI with physical skills.

"Crack! Slap! Slap!" Ye Du burst out with a smile: "Training assassins into berserkers occasionally happens. 99

"Uh." Sasuke on the side had a strange expression, why did he have a somewhat tragic atmosphere on this warrior.

The patriarch was destroyed in an instant.

After the two fought together, neither used chakra, but Itachi's height advantage was there. Shidaiai's injured body made it difficult to bend over, and finally, itachi got close to him, and his feet took off and hit Shidaiai's jaw with the top of his head.

With two meters of muscle, Xionggui fell to the ground with a bang.

"Huhu." Itachi breathed heavily and said, "According to the fighting style you like, it can be regarded as an expression of my respect for you. "

・・・For flowers・・・

The second game ended with Itachi's victory.

"Hey, I don't want to fight that legendary monster!" Darui said with a wry smile.

The applause of "Papapa!" sounded, and everyone in the audience stood up one after another, although they couldn't understand what was going on.

But even with his body scorched, he still used his own way to fight at the last moment. This kind of purest man's fighting style was admired by everyone present.

Of course, there are also many who see others applauding, so they also applaud.

"Next, we ushered in the final battle." After Shi Zhiya got down, she picked up the topic and said.

"Uchiha Ye Du, I believe everyone has heard from other players that all the strong are called the strongest.

And her opponent is the most powerful person who came to Yunyin Village. Through the two battles just now, I believe that everyone already has a certain understanding of the strong person in Yunyin Village.

"Then what kind of sparks will be produced in this strongest VS strongest game, please wait and see. 39 Jiu

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