I, Lord Of The Void, Join The Chat Group

Chapter 713 Joint Statement (3/4)

"I'll go find my sister." Ye Si also smiled and ended the conversation with a passionate representative of a big country beside him. He said it was a conversation. In fact, Ye Si's English is not good, so he can only understand some simple words. . However, they did not know that every word that these seemingly enthusiastic representatives of various countries said to them was carefully prepared by the think tank.

The purpose is to analyze more intelligence through their responses to these languages.

As the only representative of a powerful organization that has been confirmed, Ye Si and Feng Yan did not recognize this identity, so the elder sister asked her to do a little favor.

Of course, when they found out that the two representatives just smiled every time, they naturally regarded their behavior as the tactics of the think tank behind them.

In the case of an absolute advantage, do not speak, let others guess, this is a very effective tactic, which can avoid information leakage to the greatest extent.

However, it is relatively rare to achieve this level of Ye Si and Feng Yan. Of course, silence can't completely keep secrets, because there is also the discipline of microexpressions.

However, the facial expression experts in various countries, after overnight analysis and comparison with the data, completely analyzed the loneliness, and even had self-doubt about this subject.

As for Ye Si and Feng Yan's information, it was natural that they had been turned upside down for a long time.

Why is the information of these two people so perfect, there is no trace of any fraud at all. This made all the intelligence agencies in the world begin to wonder how much power was in ambush around him, and whether he was the only one who was kept in the dark.

After Ye Si finished the conversation, just as he was about to get up, an old man with glasses came over and said a series of words that she could not understand very politely.

This person, Ye Si knew, was the top secretary-general of the League of Nations, but for some reason, the tone of speaking in front of him became more and more careful, and the younger he became, the more polite he became.

Although I don't know what he said, but according to the experience of the past few days, just smile and nod.

So Ye Si smiled and nodded to the old man.

The top secretary-general of the League of Nations was obviously relieved, and the representatives of various countries who were talking beside him with their eyes fixed on this side were also relieved.

"Did I promise something incredible just now, who can translate it for me~". 35

So she looked at Feng Yan next to her, and Feng Yan shook her head strangely, indicating that her English was not good either, and she copied Ye Si's answer every time she took the exam. Although the final result is often two people fail.

Soon, Ye Si and Feng Yan followed the delegates and entered the venue again.

However, this time was a bit different from the first meeting. Ye Si and Feng Yan were placed at the top, followed by the five major countries, followed by representatives of more than 100 other countries.

The meeting was held until two in the morning. After the coordination of the League of Nations, the officials of various countries, using the emergency (good money) system, sent emergency notices to all citizens.

Inform all the people that, after one hour, they can use any information receiving device to listen to this global national joint statement.

All platforms and messaging devices will be broadcast uniformly at this moment.

In a situation where people around the world are stunned, the chief secretary of the League of Nations, with trembling hands, adjusted his glasses. Taking a deep breath, I read out this joint statement that will change the world.

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