I, Lord Of The Void, Join The Chat Group

Chapter 715 The Obligation of the Extraordinary (1/4)

However, with the power to mobilize all worldly forces, but unable to intervene in worldly disputes, Ye Du patiently continued to look down.

The International League of Extraordinary Persons is nominated by the five most powerful countries, and multiple member states or organizations vote together to elect the Secretary-General of the shift, and the Secretary-General of the shift has the highest authority over the secular power of the extraordinary forces.

Of course, as an obligation, the organization to which the Secretary General belongs is the obligation of other extraordinary people around the world.

On the bottom is the name of the first secretary-general, the organization in black, Ye Si.

"I still underestimate this sister." Ye Du burst out laughing. Although this document was inconsistent and logically confusing, it was indeed a good thing for Ye Du.

This is equivalent to directly owning the righteous foundation for mobilizing global power, which makes Ye Du very beneficial to carry out follow-up plans. Except for Ye Du who was very happy with this result.

Other member states are also very satisfied with the framework and composition of the International Alliance of Transcendents.

After all, the strength displayed by the extraordinary man named Uchiha Ye Du was really terrifying. At that time, the video of the scene had been checked by experts from all countries.

After confirming the authenticity of the video, I immediately checked the black ball that Ye Du dropped at the end. The final result was that the quality of the black ball reached the level of distorting space.

That is to say, the strongest of these extraordinary people has a high probability of possessing the ability to destroy the earth in a physical sense.

This conclusion has made all countries restless. Although I don't know how human beings have come here for so many years, under the circumstances that the earth may blow up in a single sleep, the high-level officials of each country have their hearts in their throats.

The final conclusion is that only magic can fight against magic.

This is also the reason why such a large meeting will be passed in a short period of time and inform the world.

As for why they all chose the Black Organization, it was naturally because they had proved that they had the ability to destroy the world. Anyway, it was better to choose the strongest one.

At this time, Ye Si also saw the speech of the Secretary-General of the League of Nations, telling the world about the real existence of the extraordinary.

Ye Si and Feng Yan were both taken aback. They both read the subtitles below before they knew that such a sensation had happened.

 … ask for flowers …

But it wasn't too scary. After all, Ye Si didn't panic because his sister was there.

For Ye Si, the happiest thing is that these people seem to have reached an agreement.

So there is no need to hold meetings in the future, and I can watch the game well these few days.

After the meeting, many people shook hands with him, which made Ye Si a little uncomfortable.

Ye Du had already arrived at Orochimaru's laboratory at this time.


"After I transform Qiudaoyu, I can produce gravitational collapse." Ye Du said seriously: "If we can continue to increase the mass, it is possible to create an artificial black hole. 99

"This is just a theoretical simulation of the process of black hole production." Orochimaru said with a smile.

The mass required to really form a black hole is equivalent to the size of a star, creating a star and a bad star are two concepts.

"That is to say, as long as the power is strong enough, can it actually become an artificial black hole?" Ye Du asked seriously.

"Well, theoretically so." Orochimaru nodded.

"No, no, no." Ye Du waved his hand: "It will be embarrassing if you can't release it. It's really a strange interest if you can really use it.


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