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Chapter 732 is very interesting (2/4)

In the eyes of ordinary people, these extraordinary people are similar to professional athletes, just a little bit more powerful than ordinary people, and they are far away from their own lives anyway.

"The response was unexpectedly normal." Ye Du said with a smile, but found that Chen Huijie's face was so red that water dripped from her face.

"Well, Ye Du, you touched me." Chen Huijie blushed, feeling that something was touching the back of her head.

Ye Du usually wears very loose clothes, and his face is too beautiful, his eyes are always on his face.

Chen Huijie didn't expect Ye Du to be such a person because of the unexpected contact today.

Of course, before speaking, Chen Huijie also hesitated for 15 minutes.

But thinking that it would be too wretched if found out, he still opened his mouth to remind him.

"Hmph." Ye Du glanced at Chen Huijie, who was equally valiant and valiant. Now she was acting like she was feeling weak, which was also very interesting.

The body couldn't help but move forward a little, and said with a smile: "This pose looks better on the screen, does it overwhelm you?"

"No, it's not." Chen Huijie was stiff, sitting upright, trying to keep her voice from trembling: "It's just as convenient for you, I don't care.

"Hum." Ye Du chuckled lightly and looked at the screen.

Sure enough, as Chen Huijie said, although the discussion is very lively, it may be because the distance from ordinary people is too far. Overall, it seems that in the anime, which character has a stronger sense of sight.

For example, click on an article with the content: "Hi, my friends, everyone, let's take a look at the recent topic of extraordinary people, so what's going on with extraordinary people?

Then below are a few screenshots of the fight.

"The above is the topic of extraordinary people. Although it seems incredible, it is like this. What do you think? Hurry up and discuss it in the comment area."

Ye Du was also at a loss, as if he didn't say anything except for a picture. Below are some high-end "The Extraordinary Age is Coming, Where Will Humanity Go", "The Extraordinary Age After Detailed Analysis", "Major Benefits? He Explains the Truth in One Word", "Shocked, the Action of the Extraordinary Makes Everyone Silence".

After Ye Du opened it, he found that there were some terms and industry slang that he could not understand.

I understand everything that I understand, and I don't explain much if I don't understand. The water is deep inside, and many things are involved.

Ye Du silently withdrew his hand, worried that he would not be affected.

It seems that I think too much.

Seeing Ye Du standing up straight, Chen Huijie stood up stiffly and said, "I'm going to the bathroom. 35 Then she turned around and ran to the bathroom, and soon there was the sound of the tap being turned on.

Ye Du didn't care, sitting on the office chair, continued to browse the news, and soon 390 found the official Weibo, and initiated a vote for the most popular extraordinary person.

Opened the votes, and found the name of Uchiha Ye Du, who was far ahead.

"These people are quite discerning." Ye Du casually clicked on the comment.

"Wow! Silver hair, I'm fine!

"It's clearly blue and white!

"White hair, rush! rush! rush!"

And then it's all about hair color.

Ye Du covered his forehead, he has been missing for so many years, is there any misunderstanding by the people of the motherland, but the unexpected popularity, the second is actually a ghost, and then down is a bit of evil Orochimaru, followed by apathy Ferret.

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