I, Lord Of The Void, Join The Chat Group

Chapter 761 is full of expectations (3/4)

Ye Du cried out and launched a frantic attack on Ino with his own soul.

"Rumble... 35

Ino's vines and Ye Du's vines clashed fiercely in the air.

"You've all successfully lured out Ye Du, it's time to get out of here! 35

Ino's voice resounded in the empty valley.

"Okay, let's go!"

Ino nodded.

66 "Four forty zero" Then I'll go back first!

Ino stood up and turned to leave.

"Wait! 35

Ye Du hurriedly stopped Ino with a loud voice.

"What's up?"

Ino looked at Ye Du coldly, with a cold smile on his face.

"Those people, I won't let any of them go! I will never let them go, I want them to know that I, Ye Du, are the real masters!"9

"I'm waiting, our battle will start soon, you better get everything ready for you!"

"Humph!" Ye Du snorted coldly, then turned and left.

"Master, that Ye Du's vine is so powerful, what should we do now?" Ino's body came from the voice of Ino snake.

"Don't be afraid, his body has been severely damaged, and now is a good opportunity for us to fight back. As long as we refine his soul into a puppet doll, we don't need to fear any of his attacks at all! Ino said coldly.

"Yes, I understand!"

Ino snake replied respectfully.

"Then let's move on! 35

Ino looked at the darkness in front of him with anticipation in his eyes.

Black Dragon Island in the dark night.

The vines of the Thousand Hands Vine wrapped their own soul within Ye Du's soul.

Ye Du's vines tightly restrained Ye Du's soul, trapping it in the depths of the Black Dragon Island.

Ye Du's soul was struggling in the depths of Ye Du's soul, trying to escape the bondage of the thousand-handed vine.

"Don't waste your time, in this black world, no one can escape from my vines!"

The voice of the thousand-handed vines echoed in Ye Du's mind.

Ye Du's figure fluttered in the air, no matter how hard he tried to get rid of the thousand-handed vine, it was useless.

"Where are we going? Is it...

The voice of the thousand-handed vines echoed in the air.

"Do you know where the cursed ones are held?

Thousand Hands Vine asked...

"I have no idea!

"Don't know?! You don't even know where the cursed ones are being held?!

"I really don't know that!

"Then how did you escape my tracking?" Qianshou Vine asked suspiciously.

"Do you underestimate me too much, if I can't even handle these things, am I still the owner of the thousand-handed vine? 99

"This matter is a long story, I will explain it to you slowly in the future! 39

Thousand-handed Vine was silent for a while, and then said:

"Since you don't know where the cursed one is, let's find it now!

The sound of the thousand-hand vines fell, and its vines started flying to the ground at 4.8, and flew towards a boulder on the ground.

The thousand-hand vines put Ye Du's soul into the vines, and then quickly drilled into the depths of the ground, into a cave.

The cave is very deep and dark inside.

The speed of the thousand-handed vine is very fast, and it keeps traversing the walls of the cave at an astonishingly fast speed.

Thousand-handed vines did not stop all the way, and went straight to the depths of the ground.

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