I, Lord Of The Void, Join The Chat Group

Chapter 784 Impressive (3/4)

"So, big brother, you can discuss with the powerhouses of the Protoss now to see if they are interested, join us and become one of our members. If possible, you can ask them to help you and attack the Protoss. Wouldn't that be better?"

"Okay, I know how to do it."

After that, Ye Du went back, but Ye Du didn't know that after she left, Ye Luo quietly disappeared in the palace of the gods.

When Ye Du and Hinata came to the shrine of the land of fire, the god king of the land of fire was already waiting here.

"See Lord God King."

Seeing Ye Luo, Ye Du and Hinata hurriedly saluted the God King of the Fire Kingdom and said.

"Well, the two of you are finally willing to come, I've been waiting here for a while. 35

The God King of the Fire Kingdom said with a smile.

"Your Majesty the God of Fire Kingdom, please forgive me, because we are in a hurry, so we will be delayed."

"Hehehe... It's okay, it's okay, you haven't come here for a long time anyway. Today, just stay for the time being. I have some things, and I want you to help me identify them."


Ye Du and Hinata nodded, then followed the God-king of the Fire Kingdom – to his study.

"Your Majesty the God King of the Fire Nation, I don't know what you want us to see? Is it a treasure of the Fire Nation?

Ye Du looked at the God King of the Fire Kingdom and asked suspiciously.

"Hehehe... Yes, it is the treasure of the Fire Nation."

"Oh? Treasures of the Fire Nation?"

"Yes, the Fire Stone of the Fire Nation can forge weapons and armor, and can also refine medicine pills."

"Really? There is such a magical thing in the country of fire? It's the first time I've seen it.""

"This is also a unique feature of our country of fire, so it's the first time I've seen it.

"Okay, let's take a look."

The God King of the Fire Kingdom took out the treasure on his table and put it in front of Ye Du and Hinata.

Ye Du and Hinata took the treasure and observed it carefully.

Each of these treasures of the Fire Nation is extremely precious, and each of them is not simple, and even each of the treasures is very suitable for those who refine them.

"Ye Du, you have all seen these flame stones, so, which one do you think is more suitable for me?"9

...for flowers....

The God King of the Fire Kingdom looked at Ye Du and Hinata and asked.

Ye Du and Hinata fell into silence when they heard the words of the God of Fire Kingdom.

These treasures of the Fire Nation are very suitable for them, but the two of them, it seems, are not too optimistic about those treasures.

"Ye Du, Hinata, which treasure do you think is the most suitable for me to use?

"We both like these flame stones in the Fire Nation, but neither of us is fully confident that we can absorb all of these flame stones.

"Oh? So, Hinata, are you quite sure?

"Yeah, I'm 50% sure that I can absorb all these treasures, but we are not sure whether our strength can rise to a new level after absorbing these treasures."

"Hehehe, I understand your concerns, but I still suggest that you all give it a try. After all, I'm not sure if you can absorb the energy of these treasures. If you really have that strength, then I think , Even His Majesty the Divine King will look at you with admiration." Jiu.

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